01 Molecular Geometry Analysis

The purpose of this project is to introduce you to fundamental Python programming techniques in the context of a scientific problem, viz. the calculation of the internal coordinates (bond lengths, bond angles, dihedral angles), moments of inertia, and rotational constants of a polyatomic molecule. A concise set of instructions for this project may be found here.

Original authors (Crawford, et al.) thank Dr. Yukio Yamaguchi of the University of Georgia for the original version of this project.

Solution of this project could be solution_01.py.

# Following os.chdir code is only for thebe (live code), since only in thebe default directory is /home/jovyan
import os
if os.getcwd().split("/")[-1] != "Project_01":
from solution_01 import Molecule as SolMol

Step 1: Read the Coordinate Data from Input

The input to the program is the set of Cartesian coordinates of the atoms (in bohr) and their associated atomic numbers. A sample molecule (acetaldehyde) to use as input to the program is:

6  0.000000000000     0.000000000000     0.000000000000
6  0.000000000000     0.000000000000     2.845112131228
8  1.899115961744     0.000000000000     4.139062527233
1 -1.894048308506     0.000000000000     3.747688672216
1  1.942500819960     0.000000000000    -0.701145981971
1 -1.007295466862    -1.669971842687    -0.705916966833
1 -1.007295466862     1.669971842687    -0.705916966833

The first line above is the number of atoms (an integer), while the remaining lines contain the z-values (atom charges) and x-, y-, and z-coordinates of each atom (one integer followed by three double-precision floating-point numbers). This input file(input/acetaldehyde.dat) along with a few other test cases can be found in this repository in the input directory.

After downloading the file to your computer (to a file called geom.dat, for example), you must open the file, read the data from each line into appropriate variables, and finally close the file.


  • If mole is an instance of Molecule class, and it’s acetaldehyde molecule, then

    • mole.atom_charges should be a NumPy array with shape (7, )

    • mole.atom_coords should be a NumPy array with shape (7, 3) (we use array instead of matrix, just convention; like any array/matrix in TensorFlow/PyTorch is termed tensor)

    • mole.natm should be an integer

Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code (notice that NotImplemented is coded intentionally, not the same to NotImplementedError):

import numpy as np

class Molecule:

    def __init__(self):
        self.atom_charges = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.atom_coords = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.natm = NotImplemented  # type: int

    def construct_from_dat_file(self, file_path: str):
        # Input: Read file from `file_path`
        # Attribute modification: Obtain atom charges to `self.atom_charges`
        # Attribute modification: Obtain coordinates to `self.atom_coords`
        # Attribute modification: Obtain atom numbers in molecule to `self.natm`
        raise NotImplementedError("About 5~15 lines of code")


Following is reference output. Reader may repeat the output results with his/hers own implementation.

sol_mole = SolMol()
[6 6 8 1 1 1 1]
[[ 0.          0.          0.        ]
 [ 0.          0.          2.84511213]
 [ 1.89911596  0.          4.13906253]
 [-1.89404831  0.          3.74768867]
 [ 1.94250082  0.         -0.70114598]
 [-1.00729547 -1.66997184 -0.70591697]
 [-1.00729547  1.66997184 -0.70591697]]

Step 2: Bond Lengths

Calculate the interatomic distances using the expression:

\[ R_{ij} = \sqrt{(x_i - x_j)^2 + (y_i - y_j)^2 + (z_i - z_j)^2} \]

where \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\) are Cartesian coordinates and \(i\) and \(j\) denote atomic indices.

Print all bond lengths \(R_{ij}\) in Bohr.


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def bond_length(mole: Molecule, i: int, j: int) -> float:
    # Input: `i`, `j` index of molecule's atom
    # Output: Bond length from atom `i` to atom `j`
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~3 lines of code")

Molecule.bond_length = bond_length
def print_bond_length(mole: Molecule):
    # Usage: Print all bond length
    print("=== Bond Length ===")
    for i in range(mole.natm):
        for j in range(i + 1, mole.natm):
            raise NotImplementedError("Exactly 1 line of code")

Molecule.print_bond_length = print_bond_length


=== Bond Length ===
  0 -   1:    2.84511 Bohr
  0 -   2:    4.55395 Bohr
  0 -   3:    4.19912 Bohr
  0 -   4:    2.06517 Bohr
  0 -   5:    2.07407 Bohr
  0 -   6:    2.07407 Bohr
  1 -   2:    2.29803 Bohr
  1 -   3:    2.09811 Bohr
  1 -   4:    4.04342 Bohr
  1 -   5:    4.05133 Bohr
  1 -   6:    4.05133 Bohr
  2 -   3:    3.81330 Bohr
  2 -   4:    4.84040 Bohr
  2 -   5:    5.89151 Bohr
  2 -   6:    5.89151 Bohr
  3 -   4:    5.87463 Bohr
  3 -   5:    4.83836 Bohr
  3 -   6:    4.83836 Bohr
  4 -   5:    3.38971 Bohr
  4 -   6:    3.38971 Bohr
  5 -   6:    3.33994 Bohr

Step 3: Bond Angles

Calculate bond angles. For example, the angle, \(\phi_{ijk}\), between atoms \(i\)-\(j\)-\(k\), where \(j\) is the central atom is given by:

\[ \cos \phi_{ijk} = \boldsymbol{e}_{ji} \cdot \boldsymbol{e}_{jk} \]

where the \(\boldsymbol{e}_{ij}\) are unit vectors between the atoms, e.g.,

\[ e_{ij}^x = - \frac{x_i - x_j}{R_{ij}}, \quad e_{ij}^y = - \frac{y_i - y_j}{R_{ij}}, \quad e_{ij}^z = - \frac{z_i - z_j}{R_{ij}} \]

Print all valid bond angles \(\phi_{ijk}\) (with bond length \(R_{ij} < 3 \, \mathsf{Bohr}\) and \(R_{jk} < 3 \, \mathsf{Bohr}\), and \(\phi_{ijk} > 90^\circ\)) in degree.

Original C++ project suggests storing unit vectors in memory. However, this python project will generate unit vectors on-the-fly. Also, the final result of this step is a little different to the original project.


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def bond_unit_vector(mole: Molecule, i: int, j: int) -> np.ndarray:
    # Input: `i`, `j` index of molecule's atom
    # Output: Unit vector of bond from atom `i` to atom `j`
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~5 lines of code")

Molecule.bond_unit_vector = bond_unit_vector
def bond_angle(mole: Molecule, i: int, j: int, k: int) -> float:
    # Input: `i`, `j`, `k` index of molecule's atom; where `j` is the central atom
    # Output: Bond angle for atoms `i`-`j`-`k`
    raise NotImplementedError("About 3~5 lines of code")

Molecule.bond_angle = bond_angle
def is_valid_angle(mole: Molecule, i: int, j: int, k: int) -> bool:
    # Input: `i`, `j`, `k` index of molecule's atom; where `j` is the central atom
    # Output: Test if `i`-`j`-`k` is a valid bond angle
    #         if i != j != k
    #         and if i-j and j-k bond length smaller than 3 Angstrom,
    #         and if angle i-j-k > 90 degree
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~5 lines of code")

Molecule.is_valid_angle = is_valid_angle
def print_bond_angle(mole: Molecule):
    # Usage: Print all bond angle i-j-k which is considered as valid angle
    raise NotImplementedError("About 5~20 lines of code")

Molecule.print_bond_angle = print_bond_angle


For this solution, there could be different outputs, such as angle 0-1-2 should be equal to 2-1-0. Such kind of minor differences could be tolerated. However, angle values, number of valid angles, etc. should be exactly the same.

=== Bond Angle ===
  0 -   1 -   2:  124.26831 Degree
  0 -   1 -   3:  115.47934 Degree
  1 -   0 -   4:  109.84706 Degree
  1 -   0 -   5:  109.89841 Degree
  1 -   0 -   6:  109.89841 Degree
  4 -   0 -   5:  109.95368 Degree
  4 -   0 -   6:  109.95368 Degree
  5 -   0 -   6:  107.25265 Degree
  2 -   1 -   3:  120.25235 Degree

Step 4: Out-of-Plane Angles

Calculate out-of-plane angles. For example, the angle \(\theta_{ijkl}\) for atom \(i\) out of the plane containing atoms \(j\)-\(k\)-\(l\) (with \(k\) as the central atom, connected to \(i\)) is given by:

\[ \sin \theta_{ijkl} = \frac{\boldsymbol{e}_{kj} \times \boldsymbol{e}_{kl}}{\sin \phi_{jkl}} \cdot \boldsymbol{e}_{ki} \]

Print all valid out-of-plane angles (bond angle \(\phi_{jkl}\) should be valid bond angle, and bond length \(R_{ki} < 3 \, \mathsf{Bohr}\)) in degree. Note that situation of \(\sin \phi_{jkl} = 0\) could occasionally (especially Molecule HCN or H2C=C=CH2), so excluding this kind of situation is encouraged.


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def out_of_plane_angle(mole: Molecule, i: int, j: int, k: int, l: int) -> float:
    # Input: `i`, `j`, `k`, `l` index of molecule's atom; where `k` is the central atom, and angle is i - j-k-l
    # Output: Out-of-plane bond angle for atoms `i`-`j`-`k`-`l`
    raise NotImplementedError("About 3~8 lines of code")

Molecule.out_of_plane_angle = out_of_plane_angle
def is_valid_out_of_plane_angle(mole: Molecule, i: int, j: int, k: int, l: int) -> bool:
    # Input: `i`, `j`, `k`, `l` index of molecule's atom; where `k` is the central atom, and angle is i - j-k-l
    # Output: Test if `i`-`j`-`k` is a valid out-of-plane bond angle
    #         if i != j != k != l
    #         and if angle j-k-l is valid bond angle
    #         and if i-k bond length smaller than 3 Angstrom
    #         and bond angle of j-k-l is not linear
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~5 lines of code")

Molecule.is_valid_out_of_plane_angle = is_valid_out_of_plane_angle
def print_out_of_plane_angle(mole: Molecule):
    # Usage: Print all out-of-plane bond angle i-j-k-l which is considered as valid
    raise NotImplementedError("About 6~15 lines of code")

Molecule.print_out_of_plane_angle = print_out_of_plane_angle


Difference of output may also be tolerated in this solution.

=== Out-of-Plane Angle ===
  3 -   0 -   1 -   2:    0.00000 Degree
  2 -   0 -   1 -   3:    0.00000 Degree
  5 -   1 -   0 -   4:  -53.62632 Degree
  6 -   1 -   0 -   4:   53.62632 Degree
  4 -   1 -   0 -   5:   53.65153 Degree
  6 -   1 -   0 -   5:  -56.27711 Degree
  4 -   1 -   0 -   6:  -53.65153 Degree
  5 -   1 -   0 -   6:   56.27711 Degree
  1 -   4 -   0 -   5:  -53.67878 Degree
  6 -   4 -   0 -   5:   56.19462 Degree
  1 -   4 -   0 -   6:   53.67878 Degree
  5 -   4 -   0 -   6:  -56.19462 Degree
  1 -   5 -   0 -   6:  -54.97706 Degree
  4 -   5 -   0 -   6:   54.86999 Degree
  0 -   2 -   1 -   3:    0.00000 Degree

Step 5: Torsion/Dihedral Angles

Calculate torsional angles. For example, the torsional angle \(\tau_{ijkl}\) for the atom connectivity \(i\)-\(j\)-\(k\)-\(l\) is given by:

\[ \cos \tau_{ijkl} = \frac{(\boldsymbol{e}_{ji} \times \boldsymbol{e}_{jk}) \cdot (\boldsymbol{e}_{kj} \times \boldsymbol{e}_{kl})}{\sin \phi_{ijk} \cdot \sin \phi_{jkl}} \]

Print all valid dihedral angles (\(i, j, k\) and \(j, k, l\) constructs a valid angle, where \(j, k\) should be bonded or \(R_{jk} < 3 \, \mathsf{Bohr}\)) in degree.


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def dihedral_angle(mole: Molecule, i: int, j: int, k: int, l: int) -> float:
    # Input: `i`, `j`, `k`, `l` index of molecule's atom; where `k` is the central atom, and angle is i - j-k-l
    # Output: Dihedral angle for atoms `i`-`j`-`k`-`l`
    raise NotImplementedError("About 3~8 lines of code")

Molecule.dihedral_angle = dihedral_angle
def is_valid_dihedral_angle(mole: Molecule, i: int, j: int, k: int, l: int) -> bool:
    # Input: `i`, `j`, `k`, `l` index of molecule's atom; where `k` is the central atom, and angle is i - j-k-l
    # Output: Test if `i`-`j`-`k` is a valid dihedral bond angle
    #         if i != j != k != l
    #         and if i, j, k construct a valid bond angle (with j-k bonded)
    #         and if j, k, l construct a valid bond angle (with j-k bonded)
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~5 lines of code")

Molecule.is_valid_dihedral_angle = is_valid_dihedral_angle
def print_dihedral_angle(mole: Molecule):
    # Usage: Print all dihedral bond angle i-j-k-l which is considered as valid
    raise NotImplementedError("About 6~15 lines of code")

Molecule.print_dihedral_angle = print_dihedral_angle


Difference of output may also be tolerated in this solution.

=== Dihedral Angle ===
  2 -   0 -   1 -   3:  180.00000 Degree
  2 -   0 -   1 -   4:    0.00000 Degree
  2 -   0 -   1 -   5:  121.09759 Degree
  2 -   0 -   1 -   6:  121.09759 Degree
  3 -   0 -   1 -   4:  180.00000 Degree
  3 -   0 -   1 -   5:   58.90241 Degree
  3 -   0 -   1 -   6:   58.90241 Degree
  4 -   0 -   1 -   5:  121.09759 Degree
  4 -   0 -   1 -   6:  121.09759 Degree
  5 -   0 -   1 -   6:  117.80483 Degree
  1 -   0 -   4 -   5:  121.06434 Degree
  1 -   0 -   4 -   6:  121.06434 Degree
  5 -   0 -   4 -   6:  117.87131 Degree
  1 -   0 -   5 -   4:  121.03351 Degree
  1 -   0 -   5 -   6:  119.43447 Degree
  4 -   0 -   5 -   6:  119.53201 Degree
  1 -   0 -   6 -   4:  121.03351 Degree
  1 -   0 -   6 -   5:  119.43447 Degree
  4 -   0 -   6 -   5:  119.53201 Degree
  0 -   1 -   2 -   3:  180.00000 Degree
  0 -   1 -   3 -   2:  180.00000 Degree

Step 6: Center-of-Mass Translation

Find the center of mass of the molecule:

\[ \boldsymbol{r}_\mathrm{c.m.} = \left. \sum_{i} m_i \boldsymbol{r}_i \right/ \sum_{i} m_i \]

or in its components

\[ x_\mathrm{c.m.} = \left. \sum_i m_i x_i \right/ \sum_i m_i , \quad y_\mathrm{c.m.} = \left. \sum_i m_i y_i \right/ \sum_i m_i , \quad z_\mathrm{c.m.} = \left. \sum_i m_i z_i \right/ \sum_i m_i \]

where \(m_i\) is the mass of atom \(i\) and the summation runs over all atoms in the molecule.

Translate the input coordinates of the molecule to the center-of-mass.

We use isotopic-averaged atom mass, so the final results may be different to the original Crawford’s project at \(10^{-3} \, \mathsf{a.u.}\) level.


def center_of_mass(mole: Molecule) -> np.ndarray or list:
    # Output: Center of mass for this molecule
    raise NotImplementedError("About 5~10 lines of code")

Molecule.center_of_mass = center_of_mass


array([0.64475065, 0.        , 2.31636762])

Step 7: Principal Moments of Inertia

Calculate elements of the moment of inertia tensor.


\[ I_{xx} = \sum_i m_i (\tilde y_i^2 + \tilde z_i^2), \quad I_{yy} = \sum_i m_i (\tilde z_i^2 + \tilde x_i^2) \, \quad I_{zz} = \sum_i m_i (\tilde x_i^2 + \tilde y_i^2) \]

Off-diagonal (add a negative sign):

\[ I_{xy} = I_{yx} = - \sum_i m_i \tilde x_i \tilde y_i, \quad I_{yz} = I_{zy} = - \sum_i m_i \tilde y_i \tilde z_i, \quad I_{zx} = I_{xz} = - \sum_i m_i \tilde z_i \tilde x_i \]

Calculate eigenvalue of inertia tensor to obtain the principal moments of inertia:

\[ I_a \leqslant I_b \leqslant I_c \]

Report the moments of inertia in \(\mathsf{amu \cdot Bohr^2}\), \(\mathsf{amu \cdot {\buildrel_{\circ} \over{\mathsf{A}}}{}^2}\), \(\mathsf{g \cdot cm^2}\).

Note that \(\tilde x_i, \tilde y_i, \tilde z_i\) in the equations above are translated by center of mass:

\[ \tilde x_i = x_i - x_\mathrm{c.m.}, \quad \tilde y_i = y_i - y_\mathrm{c.m.}, \quad \tilde z_i = z_i - z_\mathrm{c.m.} \]

Based on the relative values of the principal moments, determine the molecular rotor type. Criterion of equality and far larger/smaller could be set to \(10^{-4} \mathsf{amu \cdot Bohr^2}\).

  • Spherical: \(I_a = I_b = I_c\)

  • Linear: \(I_a \ll I_b = I_c\)

  • Prolate: \(I_a < I_b = I_c\)

  • Oblate: \(I_a = I_b < I_c\)

  • Asymmetric: \(I_a \neq I_b \neq I_c\)


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def moment_of_inertia(mole: Molecule) -> np.ndarray or list:
    # Output: Principle of moments of intertia
    raise NotImplementedError("About 4~25 lines of code")

Molecule.moment_of_inertia = moment_of_inertia
def print_moment_of_interia(mole: Molecule):
    # Output: Print moments of inertia in amu bohr2, amu Å2, and g cm2
    raise NotImplementedError("About 3~15 lines of code")

Molecule.print_moment_of_interia = print_moment_of_interia
def type_of_moment_of_interia(mole: Molecule) -> str:
    # Output: Judge which type of moment of interia is
    raise NotImplementedError("About 7~11 lines of code")

Molecule.type_of_moment_of_interia = type_of_moment_of_interia


Value of principles of moment of interia:

In      amu bohr^2:   3.19751875e+01   1.78736281e+02   1.99467661e+02
In  amu angstrom^2:   8.95396445e+00   5.00512562e+01   5.58566339e+01
In          g cm^2:   1.48684078e-39   8.31120663e-39   9.27521227e-39

Type of interia:


Step 8: Rotational Constants

Compute the rotational constants in \(\mathsf{cm}^{-1}\) and \(\mathsf{MHz}\):

\[ A = \frac{h}{8 \pi^2 c I_a} , \quad B = \frac{h}{8 \pi^2 c I_b} , \quad C = \frac{h}{8 \pi^2 c I_c} \]

where \(A \geqslant B \geqslant C\).


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def rotational_constants(mole: Molecule) -> np.ndarray or list:
    # Output: Rotational constant in cm^-1
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~10 lines of code")

Molecule.rotational_constants = rotational_constants


Compute the rotational constants in \(\mathsf{cm}^{-1}\)

array([1.88270004, 0.33680731, 0.30180174])

Test Cases


sol_mole = SolMol()
=== Atom Charges ===
[6 6 8 1 1 1 1]
=== Coordinates ===
[[ 0.          0.          0.        ]
 [ 0.          0.          2.84511213]
 [ 1.89911596  0.          4.13906253]
 [-1.89404831  0.          3.74768867]
 [ 1.94250082  0.         -0.70114598]
 [-1.00729547 -1.66997184 -0.70591697]
 [-1.00729547  1.66997184 -0.70591697]]
=== Bond Length ===
  0 -   1:    2.84511 Bohr
  0 -   2:    4.55395 Bohr
  0 -   3:    4.19912 Bohr
  0 -   4:    2.06517 Bohr
  0 -   5:    2.07407 Bohr
  0 -   6:    2.07407 Bohr
  1 -   2:    2.29803 Bohr
  1 -   3:    2.09811 Bohr
  1 -   4:    4.04342 Bohr
  1 -   5:    4.05133 Bohr
  1 -   6:    4.05133 Bohr
  2 -   3:    3.81330 Bohr
  2 -   4:    4.84040 Bohr
  2 -   5:    5.89151 Bohr
  2 -   6:    5.89151 Bohr
  3 -   4:    5.87463 Bohr
  3 -   5:    4.83836 Bohr
  3 -   6:    4.83836 Bohr
  4 -   5:    3.38971 Bohr
  4 -   6:    3.38971 Bohr
  5 -   6:    3.33994 Bohr
=== Bond Angle ===
  0 -   1 -   2:  124.26831 Degree
  0 -   1 -   3:  115.47934 Degree
  1 -   0 -   4:  109.84706 Degree
  1 -   0 -   5:  109.89841 Degree
  1 -   0 -   6:  109.89841 Degree
  4 -   0 -   5:  109.95368 Degree
  4 -   0 -   6:  109.95368 Degree
  5 -   0 -   6:  107.25265 Degree
  2 -   1 -   3:  120.25235 Degree
=== Out-of-Plane Angle ===
  3 -   0 -   1 -   2:    0.00000 Degree
  2 -   0 -   1 -   3:    0.00000 Degree
  5 -   1 -   0 -   4:  -53.62632 Degree
  6 -   1 -   0 -   4:   53.62632 Degree
  4 -   1 -   0 -   5:   53.65153 Degree
  6 -   1 -   0 -   5:  -56.27711 Degree
  4 -   1 -   0 -   6:  -53.65153 Degree
  5 -   1 -   0 -   6:   56.27711 Degree
  1 -   4 -   0 -   5:  -53.67878 Degree
  6 -   4 -   0 -   5:   56.19462 Degree
  1 -   4 -   0 -   6:   53.67878 Degree
  5 -   4 -   0 -   6:  -56.19462 Degree
  1 -   5 -   0 -   6:  -54.97706 Degree
  4 -   5 -   0 -   6:   54.86999 Degree
  0 -   2 -   1 -   3:    0.00000 Degree
=== Dihedral Angle ===
  2 -   0 -   1 -   3:  180.00000 Degree
  2 -   0 -   1 -   4:    0.00000 Degree
  2 -   0 -   1 -   5:  121.09759 Degree
  2 -   0 -   1 -   6:  121.09759 Degree
  3 -   0 -   1 -   4:  180.00000 Degree
  3 -   0 -   1 -   5:   58.90241 Degree
  3 -   0 -   1 -   6:   58.90241 Degree
  4 -   0 -   1 -   5:  121.09759 Degree
  4 -   0 -   1 -   6:  121.09759 Degree
  5 -   0 -   1 -   6:  117.80483 Degree
  1 -   0 -   4 -   5:  121.06434 Degree
  1 -   0 -   4 -   6:  121.06434 Degree
  5 -   0 -   4 -   6:  117.87131 Degree
  1 -   0 -   5 -   4:  121.03351 Degree
  1 -   0 -   5 -   6:  119.43447 Degree
  4 -   0 -   5 -   6:  119.53201 Degree
  1 -   0 -   6 -   4:  121.03351 Degree
  1 -   0 -   6 -   5:  119.43447 Degree
  4 -   0 -   6 -   5:  119.53201 Degree
  0 -   1 -   2 -   3:  180.00000 Degree
  0 -   1 -   3 -   2:  180.00000 Degree
=== Center of Mass ===
   0.64475    0.00000    2.31637
=== Moments of Inertia ===
In      amu bohr^2:   3.19751875e+01   1.78736281e+02   1.99467661e+02
In  amu angstrom^2:   8.95396445e+00   5.00512562e+01   5.58566339e+01
In          g cm^2:   1.48684078e-39   8.31120663e-39   9.27521227e-39
Type:  Asymmetric
=== Rotational Constants ===
In cm^-1:      1.88270      0.33681      0.30180
In   MHz:  56441.92712  10097.22927   9047.78849


sol_mole = SolMol()
=== Atom Charges ===
[6 6 6 1 1 1 1]
=== Coordinates ===
[[ 0.          0.          1.88972599]
 [ 2.55113008  0.          1.88972599]
 [-2.55113008  0.          1.88972599]
 [ 3.49599308  1.15721611  0.73250988]
 [ 3.49599308 -1.15721611  3.0469421 ]
 [-3.49599308 -1.15721611  0.73250988]
 [-3.49599308  1.15721611  3.0469421 ]]
=== Bond Length ===
  0 -   1:    2.55113 Bohr
  0 -   2:    2.55113 Bohr
  0 -   3:    3.86009 Bohr
  0 -   4:    3.86009 Bohr
  0 -   5:    3.86009 Bohr
  0 -   6:    3.86009 Bohr
  1 -   2:    5.10226 Bohr
  1 -   3:    1.88973 Bohr
  1 -   4:    1.88973 Bohr
  1 -   5:    6.26466 Bohr
  1 -   6:    6.26466 Bohr
  2 -   3:    6.26466 Bohr
  2 -   4:    6.26466 Bohr
  2 -   5:    1.88973 Bohr
  2 -   6:    1.88973 Bohr
  3 -   4:    3.27310 Bohr
  3 -   5:    7.36508 Bohr
  3 -   6:    7.36508 Bohr
  4 -   5:    7.36508 Bohr
  4 -   6:    7.36508 Bohr
  5 -   6:    3.27310 Bohr
=== Bond Angle ===
  1 -   0 -   2:  180.00000 Degree
  0 -   1 -   3:  120.00000 Degree
  0 -   1 -   4:  120.00000 Degree
  0 -   2 -   5:  120.00000 Degree
  0 -   2 -   6:  120.00000 Degree
  3 -   1 -   4:  120.00000 Degree
  5 -   2 -   6:  120.00000 Degree
=== Out-of-Plane Angle ===
  4 -   0 -   1 -   3:    0.00000 Degree
  3 -   0 -   1 -   4:    0.00000 Degree
  6 -   0 -   2 -   5:    0.00000 Degree
  5 -   0 -   2 -   6:    0.00000 Degree
  0 -   3 -   1 -   4:    0.00000 Degree
  0 -   5 -   2 -   6:    0.00000 Degree
=== Dihedral Angle ===
  2 -   0 -   1 -   3:   90.00000 Degree
  2 -   0 -   1 -   4:   90.00000 Degree
  3 -   0 -   1 -   4:  180.00000 Degree
  1 -   0 -   2 -   5:   90.00000 Degree
  1 -   0 -   2 -   6:   90.00000 Degree
  5 -   0 -   2 -   6:  180.00000 Degree
  0 -   1 -   3 -   4:  180.00000 Degree
  0 -   1 -   4 -   3:  180.00000 Degree
  0 -   2 -   5 -   6:  180.00000 Degree
  0 -   2 -   6 -   5:  180.00000 Degree
=== Center of Mass ===
   0.00000    0.00000    1.88973
=== Moments of Inertia ===
In      amu bohr^2:   1.07982664e+01   2.11013373e+02   2.11013373e+02
In  amu angstrom^2:   3.02382256e+00   5.90897626e+01   5.90897626e+01
In          g cm^2:   5.02117550e-40   9.81208592e-39   9.81208592e-39
Type:  Prolate
=== Rotational Constants ===
In cm^-1:      5.57494      0.28529      0.28529
In   MHz: 167132.49483   8552.73379   8552.73379


sol_mole = SolMol()
=== Atom Charges ===
[6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1]
=== Coordinates ===
[[ 0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00]
 [ 0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  2.61644846e+00]
 [ 2.26591048e+00  0.00000000e+00  3.92467249e+00]
 [ 4.53182108e+00  0.00000000e+00  2.61644839e+00]
 [ 4.53182108e+00  0.00000000e+00 -1.32281000e-07]
 [ 2.26591069e+00  0.00000000e+00 -1.30822415e+00]
 [ 2.26591069e+00 -0.00000000e+00 -3.33421820e+00]
 [ 6.28638327e+00  0.00000000e+00 -1.01299708e+00]
 [ 6.28638324e+00  0.00000000e+00  3.62944532e+00]
 [ 2.26591048e+00  0.00000000e+00  5.95066654e+00]
 [-1.75456219e+00  0.00000000e+00  3.62944541e+00]
 [-1.75456216e+00 -0.00000000e+00 -1.01299693e+00]]
=== Bond Length ===
  0 -   1:    2.61645 Bohr
  0 -   2:    4.53182 Bohr
  0 -   3:    5.23290 Bohr
  0 -   4:    4.53182 Bohr
  0 -   5:    2.61645 Bohr
  0 -   6:    4.03130 Bohr
  0 -   7:    6.36748 Bohr
  0 -   8:    7.25889 Bohr
  0 -   9:    6.36748 Bohr
  0 -  10:    4.03130 Bohr
  0 -  11:    2.02599 Bohr
  1 -   2:    2.61645 Bohr
  1 -   3:    4.53182 Bohr
  1 -   4:    5.23290 Bohr
  1 -   5:    4.53182 Bohr
  1 -   6:    6.36748 Bohr
  1 -   7:    7.25889 Bohr
  1 -   8:    6.36748 Bohr
  1 -   9:    4.03130 Bohr
  1 -  10:    2.02599 Bohr
  1 -  11:    4.03130 Bohr
  2 -   3:    2.61645 Bohr
  2 -   4:    4.53182 Bohr
  2 -   5:    5.23290 Bohr
  2 -   6:    7.25889 Bohr
  2 -   7:    6.36748 Bohr
  2 -   8:    4.03130 Bohr
  2 -   9:    2.02599 Bohr
  2 -  10:    4.03130 Bohr
  2 -  11:    6.36748 Bohr
  3 -   4:    2.61645 Bohr
  3 -   5:    4.53182 Bohr
  3 -   6:    6.36748 Bohr
  3 -   7:    4.03130 Bohr
  3 -   8:    2.02599 Bohr
  3 -   9:    4.03130 Bohr
  3 -  10:    6.36748 Bohr
  3 -  11:    7.25889 Bohr
  4 -   5:    2.61645 Bohr
  4 -   6:    4.03130 Bohr
  4 -   7:    2.02599 Bohr
  4 -   8:    4.03130 Bohr
  4 -   9:    6.36748 Bohr
  4 -  10:    7.25889 Bohr
  4 -  11:    6.36748 Bohr
  5 -   6:    2.02599 Bohr
  5 -   7:    4.03130 Bohr
  5 -   8:    6.36748 Bohr
  5 -   9:    7.25889 Bohr
  5 -  10:    6.36748 Bohr
  5 -  11:    4.03130 Bohr
  6 -   7:    4.64244 Bohr
  6 -   8:    8.04095 Bohr
  6 -   9:    9.28488 Bohr
  6 -  10:    8.04095 Bohr
  6 -  11:    4.64244 Bohr
  7 -   8:    4.64244 Bohr
  7 -   9:    8.04095 Bohr
  7 -  10:    9.28488 Bohr
  7 -  11:    8.04095 Bohr
  8 -   9:    4.64244 Bohr
  8 -  10:    8.04095 Bohr
  8 -  11:    9.28488 Bohr
  9 -  10:    4.64244 Bohr
  9 -  11:    8.04095 Bohr
 10 -  11:    4.64244 Bohr
=== Bond Angle ===
  0 -   1 -   2:  120.00000 Degree
  1 -   0 -   5:  120.00000 Degree
  0 -   1 -  10:  120.00000 Degree
  1 -   0 -  11:  120.00000 Degree
  0 -   5 -   4:  120.00000 Degree
  0 -   5 -   6:  120.00000 Degree
  5 -   0 -  11:  120.00000 Degree
  1 -   2 -   3:  120.00000 Degree
  1 -   2 -   9:  120.00000 Degree
  2 -   1 -  10:  120.00000 Degree
  2 -   3 -   4:  120.00000 Degree
  2 -   3 -   8:  120.00000 Degree
  3 -   2 -   9:  120.00000 Degree
  3 -   4 -   5:  120.00000 Degree
  3 -   4 -   7:  120.00000 Degree
  4 -   3 -   8:  120.00000 Degree
  4 -   5 -   6:  120.00000 Degree
  5 -   4 -   7:  120.00000 Degree
=== Out-of-Plane Angle ===
 10 -   0 -   1 -   2:    0.00000 Degree
 11 -   1 -   0 -   5:    0.00000 Degree
  2 -   0 -   1 -  10:    0.00000 Degree
  5 -   1 -   0 -  11:    0.00000 Degree
  6 -   0 -   5 -   4:    0.00000 Degree
  4 -   0 -   5 -   6:    0.00000 Degree
  1 -   5 -   0 -  11:    0.00000 Degree
  9 -   1 -   2 -   3:    0.00000 Degree
  3 -   1 -   2 -   9:    0.00000 Degree
  0 -   2 -   1 -  10:    0.00000 Degree
  8 -   2 -   3 -   4:    0.00000 Degree
  4 -   2 -   3 -   8:    0.00000 Degree
  1 -   3 -   2 -   9:    0.00000 Degree
  7 -   3 -   4 -   5:    0.00000 Degree
  5 -   3 -   4 -   7:    0.00000 Degree
  2 -   4 -   3 -   8:    0.00000 Degree
  0 -   4 -   5 -   6:    0.00000 Degree
  3 -   5 -   4 -   7:    0.00000 Degree
=== Dihedral Angle ===
  2 -   0 -   1 -   5:    0.00000 Degree
  2 -   0 -   1 -  10:  180.00000 Degree
  2 -   0 -   1 -  11:  180.00000 Degree
  5 -   0 -   1 -  10:  180.00000 Degree
  5 -   0 -   1 -  11:  180.00000 Degree
 10 -   0 -   1 -  11:    0.00000 Degree
  1 -   0 -   5 -   4:    0.00000 Degree
  1 -   0 -   5 -   6:  180.00000 Degree
  1 -   0 -   5 -  11:  180.00000 Degree
  4 -   0 -   5 -   6:  180.00000 Degree
  4 -   0 -   5 -  11:  180.00000 Degree
  6 -   0 -   5 -  11:    0.00000 Degree
  1 -   0 -  11 -   5:  180.00000 Degree
  0 -   1 -   2 -   3:    0.00000 Degree
  0 -   1 -   2 -   9:  180.00000 Degree
  0 -   1 -   2 -  10:  180.00000 Degree
  3 -   1 -   2 -   9:  180.00000 Degree
  3 -   1 -   2 -  10:  180.00000 Degree
  9 -   1 -   2 -  10:    0.00000 Degree
  0 -   1 -  10 -   2:  180.00000 Degree
  1 -   2 -   3 -   4:    0.00000 Degree
  1 -   2 -   3 -   8:  180.00000 Degree
  1 -   2 -   3 -   9:  180.00000 Degree
  4 -   2 -   3 -   8:  180.00000 Degree
  4 -   2 -   3 -   9:  180.00000 Degree
  8 -   2 -   3 -   9:    0.00000 Degree
  1 -   2 -   9 -   3:  180.00000 Degree
  2 -   3 -   4 -   5:    0.00000 Degree
  2 -   3 -   4 -   7:  180.00000 Degree
  2 -   3 -   4 -   8:  180.00000 Degree
  5 -   3 -   4 -   7:  180.00000 Degree
  5 -   3 -   4 -   8:  180.00000 Degree
  7 -   3 -   4 -   8:    0.00000 Degree
  2 -   3 -   8 -   4:  180.00000 Degree
  0 -   4 -   5 -   3:    0.00000 Degree
  0 -   4 -   5 -   6:  180.00000 Degree
  0 -   4 -   5 -   7:  180.00000 Degree
  3 -   4 -   5 -   6:  180.00000 Degree
  3 -   4 -   5 -   7:  180.00000 Degree
  6 -   4 -   5 -   7:    0.00000 Degree
  3 -   4 -   7 -   5:  180.00000 Degree
  0 -   5 -   6 -   4:  180.00000 Degree
=== Center of Mass ===
   2.26591    0.00000    1.30822
=== Moments of Inertia ===
In      amu bohr^2:   3.11839639e+02   3.11839704e+02   6.23679344e+02
In  amu angstrom^2:   8.73239929e+01   8.73240110e+01   1.74648004e+02
In          g cm^2:   1.45004902e-38   1.45004932e-38   2.90009833e-38
Type:  Oblate
=== Rotational Constants ===
In cm^-1:      0.19305      0.19305      0.09652
In   MHz:   5787.40152   5787.40032   2893.70046


  • Wilson, E. B.; Decius, J. C.; Cross, P. C. Molecular Vibrations Dover Publication Inc., 1980.

    ISBN-13: 978-0486639413