03 Hartree-Fock Closed-Shell SCF Procedure

The purpose of this project is to provide a deeper understanding of (restricted) Hartree-Fock theory by demonstrating a simple implementation of the self-consistent-field (SCF) method. The theoretical background can be found in Ch. 3 of the text by Szabo and Ostlund or in the nice set of on-line notes written by David Sherrill. A concise set of instructions for this project may be found here.

Original authors (Crawford, et al.) thank Dr. Yukio Yamaguchi of the University of Georgia for the original version of this project.

This project could be a challenging one. Although it is somehow easy to achieve each steps, the number of steps is quite large. You may well possibly have done all tasks, but confuse on how and why iterative SCF could be written in this way. You are encouraged to review this project once you’ve done all steps.

The test case used in the following discussion is for a water molecule with a bond-length of \(1.1 {\buildrel_{\circ} \over{\mathsf{A}}}\) and a bond angle of \(104.0 {}^\circ\) with an STO-3G basis set. The input to the project consists of the nuclear repulsion energy (input/h2o/STO-3G/enuc.dat) and pre-computed sets of one- and two-electron integrals: overlap integrals (input/h2o/STO-3G/s.dat), kinetic-energy integrals (input/h2o/STO-3G/t.dat), nuclear-attraction integrals (input/h2o/STO-3G/v.dat), electron-electron repulsion integrals (input/h2o/STO-3G/eri.dat).

Multiple ways to achieve a task

From this project, it could be multiple ways to achieve a task. What multiple means here is that one could

  • either read integrals from input file, or from PySCF’s integral interface;

  • either do (high-dimension) tensor contraction by extremely powerful numpy.einsum (NumPy API), or by simply for-looping, or hybrid for-looping and 2-dimension matrix manipulation;

  • format outputs by his own style (with most important values unchanged to the reference solution output);

  • etc.

Multiple approaches could arrive to the almost same solution, and every approach is appreciated. The reader may develop his/hers own coding style. However, as author of the documentation, there’s still some partiality for using PySCF’s integral interface and using numpy.einsum.

In this project, using module pyscf.scf is prohibited. Using pyscf.gto is permitted. The structure of this project is slightly changed compared to the original project 03.

# Following os.chdir code is only for thebe (live code), since only in thebe default directory is /home/jovyan
import os
if os.getcwd().split("/")[-1] != "Project_03":
from solution_03 import Molecule as SolMol
# Following code is called for numpy array pretty printing
from pyscf import gto
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import fractional_matrix_power
from pprint import pp  # Data Pretty Printer, as it says
from typing import Dict, Tuple  # only used in type infer
np.set_printoptions(precision=7, linewidth=120, suppress=True)
sol_mole = SolMol()
sol_mole.path_dict = {
    "enuc": "input/h2o/STO-3G/enuc.dat",
    "s": "input/h2o/STO-3G/s.dat",
    "t": "input/h2o/STO-3G/t.dat",
    "v": "input/h2o/STO-3G/v.dat",
    "eri": "input/h2o/STO-3G/eri.dat",
    "mux": "input/h2o/STO-3G/mux.dat",
    "muy": "input/h2o/STO-3G/muy.dat",
    "muz": "input/h2o/STO-3G/muz.dat",

Molecule Object Initialization

In this project, we may use the updated Molecule initialization. Since these are technical details, we toggle the code and explanation below.

class Molecule:

    def __init__(self):
        self.atom_charges = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.atom_coords = NotImplemented   # type: np.ndarray
        self.natm = NotImplemented          # type: int
        self.mol = NotImplemented           # type: gto.Mole
        self.path_dict = NotImplemented     # type: Dict[str, str]
        self.nao = NotImplemented           # type: int
        self.charge = 0                     # type: int
        self.nocc = NotImplemented          # type: int

    def construct_from_dat_file(self, file_path: str):
        # Same to Project 01
        with open(file_path, "r") as f:
            dat = np.array([line.split() for line in f.readlines()][1:])
            self.atom_charges = np.array(dat[:, 0], dtype=float).astype(int)
            self.atom_coords = np.array(dat[:, 1:4], dtype=float)
            self.natm = self.atom_charges.shape[0]

mole = Molecule()

The meaning of attributes of Molecule are:

  • atom_charges: Array to store atomic charges

  • atom_coords: Matrix to store coordinates of atoms

  • natm: Number of atoms

  • mol: pyscf.gto.Mole instance, which describes molecular and basis information; only used in PySCF approaches

  • path_dict: Dictionary of file path which containing integral, energy, …; only used in reading-input approaches

  • nao: Number of atomic orbitals \(n_\mathrm{AO}\)

  • charge: Molecular charge (\(\mathsf{NH_4^+}\) contains +1 charge and \(\mathsf{NO_3^-}\) contains -1 charge); in most cases we just use neutral molecules

  • nocc: Number of occupied orbitals \(n_\mathrm{occ}\)

Readers may be familier with the first three attributes which we have extensively used in Project 01 and Project 02. One may call Molecule.construct_from_dat_file to initialize these three attributes. For demonstration, we use STO-3G water molecule which is instantiated as variable mole.


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def obtain_mol_instance(mole: Molecule, basis: str, verbose=0):
    # Input: Basis string information
    #        (for advanced users, see PySCF API, this could be dictionary instead of string)
    # Attribute modification: Obtain `pyscf.gto.Mole` instance `mole.mol`
    mol = gto.Mole()
    mol.unit = "Bohr"
    raise NotImplementedError("About 2~20 lines of code, where `mol.atom` and `mol.basis` need to be defined")
    mol.charge = mole.charge
    mol.spin = 0
    mol.verbose = verbose
    mole.mol = mol.build()

Molecule.obtain_mol_instance = obtain_mol_instance


print("=== Coordinate ===")
print("=== Atomic Charges ===")
print("=== Basis Detail ===")
=== Coordinate ===
[[ 0.        -0.1432258  0.       ]
 [ 1.6380368  1.1365488  0.       ]
 [-1.6380368  1.1365488  0.       ]]
=== Atomic Charges ===
[8 1 1]
=== Basis Detail ===
{'H': [[0,
        [3.42525091, 0.15432897],
        [0.62391373, 0.53532814],
        [0.1688554, 0.44463454]]],
 'O': [[0,
        [130.70932, 0.15432897],
        [23.808861, 0.53532814],
        [6.4436083, 0.44463454]],
        [5.0331513, -0.09996723],
        [1.1695961, 0.39951283],
        [0.380389, 0.70011547]],
        [5.0331513, 0.15591627],
        [1.1695961, 0.60768372],
        [0.380389, 0.39195739]]]}
mole.path_dict = {
    "enuc": "input/h2o/STO-3G/enuc.dat",
    "s": "input/h2o/STO-3G/s.dat",
    "t": "input/h2o/STO-3G/t.dat",
    "v": "input/h2o/STO-3G/v.dat",
    "eri": "input/h2o/STO-3G/eri.dat",
    "mux": "input/h2o/STO-3G/mux.dat",
    "muy": "input/h2o/STO-3G/muy.dat",
    "muz": "input/h2o/STO-3G/muz.dat",

Step 1: Nuclear Repulsion Energy

Nuclear Repulsion Energy can be determined as (Szabo, eq 3.185)

\[ E_\mathrm{nuc} = \sum_{B > A} \sum_{A} \frac{Z_A Z_B}{R_{AB}} \]


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def eng_nuclear_repulsion(mole: Molecule) -> float:
    # Output: Nuclear Repulsion Energy
    # PySCF       Exactly 1 line of code
    # Read-Input  Exactly 2 or 3 lines of code
    # Direct      About 2~10 lines of code
    raise NotImplementedError("Various approaches may have different lines of code")

Molecule.eng_nuclear_repulsion = eng_nuclear_repulsion



Step 2: One-Electron Integrals

Read various atomic orbital (AO) electron integrals.

Overlap s

\[ S_{\mu \nu} = \int \phi_\mu (\boldsymbol{r}) \phi_\nu (\boldsymbol{r}) \, \mathrm{d} \boldsymbol{r} \]

Kinetic Integral t

\[ T_{\mu \nu} = \int \phi_\mu (\boldsymbol{r}) \left( - \frac{1}{2} \nabla_{\boldsymbol{r}}^2 \right) \phi_\nu (\boldsymbol{r}) \, \mathrm{d} \boldsymbol{r} \]

Nuclear-Attraction Integral v

\[ V_{\mu \nu} = \int \phi_\mu (\boldsymbol{r}) \left( - \sum_A \frac{Z_A}{|\boldsymbol{r} - \boldsymbol{R}_A|} \right) \phi_\nu (\boldsymbol{r}) \, \mathrm{d} \boldsymbol{r} \]

Then form the core Hamiltonian:

\[ H_{\mu \nu}^\mathrm{core} = T_{\mu \nu} + V_{\mu \nu} \]


You may either want to store the integrals by Molecule attributes (in computer memory), or generate integrals on-the-fly (i.e. generate integrals when we aquire them, otherwise they are not stored in computer memory). The inplementation of reference solution uses the latter way.

Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def obtain_nao(mole: Molecule, file_path: str=NotImplemented):
    # Input: Any integral file (only used in read-input approach, pyscf approach could simply leave NotImplemented)
    # Attribute Modification: `nao` number of atomic orbitals
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~3 lines of code")

Molecule.obtain_nao = obtain_nao
def read_integral_1e(mole: Molecule, file_path: str) -> np.ndarray:
    # Input: Integral file
    # Output: Symmetric integral matrix
    raise NotImplementedError("About 6~15 lines of code; PySCF approach does not need to implement this function")

Molecule.read_integral_1e = read_integral_1e

Reader should choose one approach and remove NotImplementedError in the following code:

def integral_ovlp(mole: Molecule) -> np.ndarray:
    # Output: Overlap
    # PySCF        return mole.mol.intor("int1e_ovlp")
    # Read-Input   return mole.read_integral_1e(mole.path_dict["s"])
    raise NotImplementedError("Choose one approach")

def integral_kin(mole: Molecule) -> np.ndarray:
    # Output: Kinetic Integral
    # PySCF        return mole.mol.intor("int1e_kin")
    # Read-Input   return mole.read_integral_1e(mole.path_dict["t"])
    raise NotImplementedError("Choose one approach")

def integral_nuc(mole: Molecule) -> np.ndarray:
    # Output: Nuclear Attraction Integral
    # PySCF        return mole.mol.intor("int1e_nuc")
    # Read-Input   return mole.read_integral_1e(mole.path_dict["v"])
    raise NotImplementedError("Choose one approach")

def get_hcore(mole: Molecule) -> np.ndarray:
    # Output: Hamiltonian Core
    return mole.integral_kin() + mole.integral_nuc()

Molecule.integral_ovlp = integral_ovlp
Molecule.integral_kin = integral_kin
Molecule.integral_nuc = integral_nuc
Molecule.get_hcore = get_hcore


array([[-32.5773954,  -7.5788328,  -0.       ,  -0.0144738,   0.       ,  -1.2401023,  -1.2401023],
       [ -7.5788328,  -9.2009433,  -0.       ,  -0.1768902,   0.       ,  -2.9067098,  -2.9067098],
       [  0.       ,   0.       ,  -7.4588193,   0.       ,   0.       ,  -1.6751501,   1.6751501],
       [ -0.0144738,  -0.1768902,   0.       ,  -7.4153118,   0.       ,  -1.3568683,  -1.3568683],
       [  0.       ,   0.       ,   0.       ,   0.       ,  -7.3471449,   0.       ,   0.       ],
       [ -1.2401023,  -2.9067098,  -1.6751501,  -1.3568683,   0.       ,  -4.5401711,  -1.0711459],
       [ -1.2401023,  -2.9067098,   1.6751501,  -1.3568683,   0.       ,  -1.0711459,  -4.5401711]])

Step 3: Two-Electron Integrals

Read the two-electron repulsion integrals (electron repulsion integral, ERI) from the input/h2o/STO-3G/eri.dat file. The integrals in this file are provided in Mulliken notation over real AO basis functions:

\[ (\mu \nu | \kappa \lambda) = \int \phi_\mu (\boldsymbol{r}_1) \phi_\nu (\boldsymbol{r}_1) \frac{1}{|\boldsymbol{r}_1 - \boldsymbol{r}_2|} \phi_\kappa (\boldsymbol{r}_2) \phi_\lambda (\boldsymbol{r}_2) \, \mathrm{d} \boldsymbol{r}_1 \, \mathrm{d} \boldsymbol{r}_2 \]

Hence, the integrals obey the eight-fold permutational symmetry relationships:

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} (\mu \nu | \kappa \lambda) &= (\mu \nu | \lambda \kappa) = (\nu \mu | \kappa \lambda) = (\nu \mu | \lambda \kappa) \\ = (\kappa \lambda | \mu \nu) &= (\lambda \kappa | \mu \nu) = (\kappa \lambda | \nu \mu) = (\lambda \kappa | \nu \mu) \end{align} \end{split}\]

and only the permutationally unique integrals are provided in the file, with the restriction that, for each integral, the following relationships hold:

\[ \mu \geqslant \nu , \quad \kappa \geqslant \lambda \quad \mu \nu \geqslant \kappa \lambda \]


\[ \mu \nu := \mu (\mu + 1) / 2 + \nu \, \quad \kappa \lambda = \kappa (\kappa + 1) / 2 + \lambda \]

Although two-electron integrals may be stored efficiently in a one-dimensional array and the above relationship, we still use full dimension (i.e. dimension \((\mu, \nu, \kappa, \lambda)\) or \((n_\mathrm{AO}, n_\mathrm{AO}, n_\mathrm{AO}, n_\mathrm{AO})\)) to store the two-electron integral tensor, for coding convenience.

If you prefer smaller memory buffer but somehow greater cost of computational efficiency cost and code complexity, original project 03 provides some insights on this.


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def read_integral_2e(mole: Molecule, file_path: str) -> np.ndarray:
    # Input: Integral file
    # Output: 8-fold symmetric 2-e integral tensor
    raise NotImplementedError("About 6~20 lines of code; PySCF approach does not need to implement this function")

Molecule.read_integral_2e = read_integral_2e

Reader should choose one approach and remove NotImplementedError in the following code:

def integral_eri(mole: Molecule) -> np.ndarray:
    # Output: Electron repulsion integral
    # PySCF        return mole.mol.intor("int2e")
    # Read-Input   return mole.read_integral_2e(mole.path_dict["eri"])
    raise NotImplementedError("Choose one approach")

Molecule.integral_eri = integral_eri


Here we only print one sub-matrix in the electron repulsion integral:

sol_mole.integral_eri()[0, 3]
array([[-0.       , -0.       ,  0.       ,  0.0244774,  0.       ,  0.0006308,  0.0006308],
       [-0.       , -0.       ,  0.       ,  0.0378086,  0.       ,  0.0033729,  0.0033729],
       [ 0.       ,  0.       , -0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.0017449, -0.0017449],
       [ 0.0244774,  0.0378086,  0.       , -0.       ,  0.       ,  0.0087746,  0.0087746],
       [ 0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       , -0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ],
       [ 0.0006308,  0.0033729,  0.0017449,  0.0087746,  0.       ,  0.0063405,  0.0017805],
       [ 0.0006308,  0.0033729, -0.0017449,  0.0087746,  0.       ,  0.0017805,  0.0063405]])

Step 4: Build the Orthogonalization Matrix

Diagonalize the overlap matrix:

\[ \mathbf{S} \mathbf{L} = \mathbf{L} \mathbf{\Lambda} \]

where \(\mathbf{L}\) is the matrix of eigenvectors (columns) and \(\mathbf{\Lambda}\) is the diagonal matrix of corresponding eigenvalues.

Build the symmetric orthogonalization matrix using (Szabo and Ostlund, eq 3.167):

\[ \mathbf{S}^{-1/2} = \mathbf{L} \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1/2} \mathbf{L}^\dagger \]

where dagger \(\dagger\) denotes the matrix transpose.


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def integral_ovlp_m1d2(mole: Molecule) -> np.ndarray:
    # Output: S^{-1/2} in symmetric orthogonalization
    # Scipy       Exactly 1 line of code
    # Direct      About 2~5 lines of code
    raise NotImplementedError("Various approaches may have different lines of code")

Molecule.integral_ovlp_m1d2 = integral_ovlp_m1d2


array([[ 1.0236346, -0.1368547, -0.       , -0.0074873,  0.       ,  0.0190279,  0.0190279],
       [-0.1368547,  1.1578632,  0.       ,  0.0721601, -0.       , -0.2223326, -0.2223326],
       [-0.       ,  0.       ,  1.0733148, -0.       ,  0.       , -0.1757583,  0.1757583],
       [-0.0074873,  0.0721601, -0.       ,  1.038305 , -0.       , -0.1184626, -0.1184626],
       [ 0.       , -0.       ,  0.       , -0.       ,  1.       ,  0.       , -0.       ],
       [ 0.0190279, -0.2223326, -0.1757583, -0.1184626,  0.       ,  1.1297234, -0.0625975],
       [ 0.0190279, -0.2223326,  0.1757583, -0.1184626, -0.       , -0.0625975,  1.1297234]])

Step 5: Build Fock Matrix

Fock matrix of restricted RHF could be calculated as (Szabo and Ostlund, eq 3.154)

\[ F_{\mu \nu} = H_{\mu \nu}^\mathrm{core} + \sum_{\kappa \lambda} D_{\kappa \lambda} \big[ (\mu \nu | \kappa \lambda) - \frac{1}{2} (\mu \kappa | \nu \lambda) \big] \]

where the double-summation runs over all the atomic orbitals.

Fock matrix could be regarded as function of density matrix \(D_{\kappa \lambda}\). For reproducible and arbitrariness consideration, we may use an arbitary density matrix dm_ramdom in the toggled code (notice that density matrix should be symmetry):

dm_random = np.random.randn(sol_mole.nao, sol_mole.nao)
dm_random += dm_random.T
array([[ 3.5281047,  0.2488   ,  1.4226012,  2.8945118,  3.4003372, -0.8209289, -0.7561818],
       [ 0.2488   , -0.2064377,  0.7442728,  1.0084798,  2.9236323,  1.9913284,  2.0724504],
       [ 1.4226012,  0.7442728,  2.9881581, -0.9473233,  0.4680151,  0.3482841, -3.062642 ],
       [ 2.8945118,  1.0084798, -0.9473233,  4.5395092, -1.0762032, -0.3415683, -0.6252582],
       [ 3.4003372,  2.9236323,  0.4680151, -1.0762032, -1.7755715, -2.2830992, -1.6007075],
       [-0.8209289,  1.9913284,  0.3482841, -0.3415683, -2.2830992, -2.0971059, -0.6425276],
       [-0.7561818,  2.0724504, -3.062642 , -0.6252582, -1.6007075, -0.6425276, -3.2277957]])


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def get_fock(mole: Molecule, dm: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Input: Density matrix
    # Output: Fock matrix (based on input density matrix, not only final fock matrix)
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~10 lines of code")

Molecule.get_fock = get_fock


array([[-17.2147269,  -4.8266305,  -0.7648069,  -1.5280082,  -1.9441706,  -1.0701252,  -0.8175185],
       [ -4.8266305,  -1.7332157,  -0.0436436,  -0.6775993,  -0.408088 ,  -0.9313496,  -0.9428347],
       [ -0.7648069,  -0.0436436,  -0.4888538,   0.4222757,  -0.1041047,  -0.3858676,   0.9446363],
       [ -1.5280082,  -0.6775993,   0.4222757,  -0.3437624,   0.5520563,  -0.3223251,  -0.4480752],
       [ -1.9441706,  -0.408088 ,  -0.1041047,   0.5520563,   1.6477304,   0.3113038,   0.2613014],
       [ -1.0701252,  -0.9313496,  -0.3858676,  -0.3223251,   0.3113038,  -0.6497384,  -0.1852467],
       [ -0.8175185,  -0.9428347,   0.9446363,  -0.4480752,   0.2613014,  -0.1852467,  -0.8282493]])

Step 6: Orbital Coefficients

Orbital coefficients \(C_{\mu p}\) can be obtained from Fock matrix diagonalization (Roothaan equation, Szabo and Ostlund, eq 3.138-139):

\[ \mathbf{F} \mathbf{C} = \mathbf{S} \mathbf{C} \boldsymbol{\varepsilon} \]

or in element of matrix form:

\[ \sum_\nu F_{\mu \nu} C_{\nu i} = \varepsilon_i \sum_v S_{\mu \nu} C_{\nu i} \]


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def get_coeff_from_fock_diag(mole: Molecule, fock: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Input: Fock matrix
    # Output: Orbital coefficient obtained by fock matrix diagonalization
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~10 lines of code")

Molecule.get_coeff_from_fock_diag = get_coeff_from_fock_diag


We may use the Fock matrix fock generated in Step 5 to test whether our function works correctly.

fock = sol_mole.get_fock(dm_random)
array([[-0.9758933,  0.0871776, -0.1396227,  0.076924 ,  0.2567259,  0.080758 , -0.0976095],
       [-0.0642153, -0.2464221,  0.3462111, -0.3903606, -0.9492593, -0.4619375, -0.1089793],
       [-0.0450585,  0.4811949,  0.2583564, -0.1081134, -0.4068632,  0.8556978,  0.0633632],
       [-0.0936041, -0.3274823,  0.081244 ,  0.8368082, -0.4809293,  0.014067 ,  0.2388754],
       [-0.0980952,  0.1389688, -0.1311965, -0.2212164, -0.0206398, -0.1509956,  0.9389836],
       [ 0.028227 , -0.0055787,  0.7238113,  0.0903444,  0.8738889, -0.2600127,  0.1035881],
       [ 0.0186318, -0.5265492, -0.1712072, -0.377253 ,  0.3074832,  0.9038413,  0.1191796]])

Step 7: Build Density Matrix

Build the (restricted) density matrix using the occupied molecular orbital coefficients (Szabo and Ostlund, eq 3.145):

\[ D_{\mu \nu} = 2 \sum_i C_{\mu i} C_{\nu i} \]


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def obtain_nocc(mole: Molecule):
    # Attribute Modification: `nocc` occupied orbital
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~5 lines of code")

Molecule.obtain_nocc = obtain_nocc
def make_rdm1(mole: Molecule, coeff: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Input: molecular orbital coefficient
    # Output: density for the given orbital coefficient
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~5 lines of code")

Molecule.make_rdm1 = make_rdm1


We may use the Fock matrix coeff generated in Step 6 to test whether our function works correctly.

coeff = sol_mole.get_coeff_from_fock_diag(sol_mole.get_fock(dm_random))
array([[ 2.1025753, -0.5617635, -0.1258392, -0.0152828,  0.2076956,  0.2044125,  0.0194752],
       [-0.5617635,  2.4763685,  0.8043683,  0.489414 ,  0.0651585, -1.229321 , -0.1506671],
       [-0.1258392,  0.8043683,  0.955106 , -0.0543459,  0.1394193, -0.3645514, -0.7655245],
       [-0.0152828,  0.489414 , -0.0543459,  2.1082959, -0.444352 , -0.5733756, -0.6135682],
       [ 0.2076956,  0.0651585,  0.1394193, -0.444352 ,  0.1910204, -0.2730566,  0.0491367],
       [ 0.2044125, -1.229321 , -0.3645514, -0.5733756, -0.2730566,  2.5931491,  0.2283302],
       [ 0.0194752, -0.1506671, -0.7655245, -0.6135682,  0.0491367,  0.2283302,  1.0875576]])

Step 8: Update Density Matrix

Review procedure from Step 5 to Step 7:

  • Step 5: \(D_{\mu \nu} \rightarrow F_{\mu \nu}\)

  • Step 6: \(F_{\mu \nu} \rightarrow C_{\mu p}\)

  • Step 7: \(C_{\mu p} \rightarrow D_{\mu \nu}\)

Run these processes in series, and the density updated. If we just simply loop these three steps infinitely, then we except the density converged to stable, i.e. self-consistent.

Write a function that inputs a guess density matrix, output an updated density matrix.


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def get_updated_dm(mole: Molecule, dm: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Input: Guess density matrix
    # Output: Updated density matrix
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~5 lines of code")

Molecule.get_updated_dm = get_updated_dm


We use the random-generated density matrix dm_random in Step 5 to test whether our function works correctly.

array([[ 2.1025753, -0.5617635, -0.1258392, -0.0152828,  0.2076956,  0.2044125,  0.0194752],
       [-0.5617635,  2.4763685,  0.8043683,  0.489414 ,  0.0651585, -1.229321 , -0.1506671],
       [-0.1258392,  0.8043683,  0.955106 , -0.0543459,  0.1394193, -0.3645514, -0.7655245],
       [-0.0152828,  0.489414 , -0.0543459,  2.1082959, -0.444352 , -0.5733756, -0.6135682],
       [ 0.2076956,  0.0651585,  0.1394193, -0.444352 ,  0.1910204, -0.2730566,  0.0491367],
       [ 0.2044125, -1.229321 , -0.3645514, -0.5733756, -0.2730566,  2.5931491,  0.2283302],
       [ 0.0194752, -0.1506671, -0.7655245, -0.6135682,  0.0491367,  0.2283302,  1.0875576]])

Step 9: Compute the Total Energy

Compute the total energy as (Szabo and Ostlund, eq 3.184 - 3.185)

\[ E_\mathrm{tot} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\mu \nu} D_{\mu \nu} (H_{\mu \nu}^\mathrm{core} + F_{\mu \nu}) + E_\mathrm{nuc} \]

where \(F_{\mu \nu}\) is obtained from the the same density matrix \(D_{\mu \nu}\) in the fomular above. Indeed, \(E_\mathrm{tot}\) could be regarded as a function of density matrix \(D_{\mu \nu}\). \(E_\mathrm{nuc}\) has been already obtained in Step 1.


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def eng_total(mole: Molecule, dm: np.ndarray) -> float:
    # Input: Any density matrix (although one should impose tr(D@S)=nelec to satisfy variational principle)
    # Output: SCF energy (electronic contribution + nuclear repulsion contribution)
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~5 lines of code")

Molecule.eng_total = eng_total


We use the random-generated density matrix dm_random in Step 5 to test whether our function works correctly.



You may find the converged energy is about -75 Hartree (a.u.). Maybe to you, it is very suspicious that some density could yield much lower energy (-127) than the variational minimum (-75). This is because the density dm_random does not satisfy boundary condition \(\mathrm{tr} (\mathbf{DS}) = n_\mathrm{elec}\).

Step 10: SCF Loop and Convergence

Given initial (empty) density \(D_{\mu \nu}^0 = 0\) and initial energy value \(E_\mathrm{tot}^0 = 0\). Use the function described in Step 9 to update density matrix until convergence.

What defines convergence is energy and density criterion:

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} \Delta_E &= |E_\mathrm{tot}^t - E_\mathrm{tot}^{t-1}| < \delta_1 \\ \mathrm{rms}_\mathbf{D} &= \left[ \sum_{\mu \nu} (D_{\mu \nu}^t - D_{\mu \nu}^{t-1})^2 \right]^{-1/2} < \delta_2 \end{align} \end{split}\]

where superscript \(t\) means self-consistent field loop iteration. \(\mathrm{rms}_\mathbf{D}\) is actually Frobenius norm of the difference in consecutive density matrix.

In our implementation, we set criterion

\[ \delta_1 = 10^{-10} \, \mathsf{a.u.}, \quad \delta_2 = 10^{-8} \, \mathsf{a.u.} \]

and maximum iteration number set to 64.


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def scf_process(mole: Molecule, dm_guess: np.ndarray=None) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]:
    # Input: Density matrix guess
    # Output: Converged SCF total energy and density matrix
    eng, dm = 0., np.zeros((mole.nao, mole.nao)) if dm_guess is None else np.copy(dm_guess)
    eng_next, dm_next = NotImplemented, NotImplemented
    max_iter, thresh_eng, thresh_dm = 64, 1e-10, 1e-8
    print("{:>5} {:>20} {:>20} {:>20}".format("Epoch", "Total Energy", "Energy Deviation", "Density Deviation"))
    for epoch in range(max_iter):
        raise NotImplemented("Calculate total energy and update density. About 2 lines of code")
        print("{:5d} {:20.12f} {:20.12f} {:20.12f}".format(epoch, eng_next, eng_next - eng, np.linalg.norm(dm_next - dm)))
        raise NotImplemented("Test convergence criterion and judge if we should break. About 2 lines of code")
        eng, dm = eng_next, dm_next
    return eng, dm


dm_guess = np.zeros((sol_mole.nao, sol_mole.nao))
eng_converged, dm_converged = sol_mole.scf_process(dm_guess)
eng_converged, dm_converged
Epoch         Total Energy     Energy Deviation    Density Deviation
    0       8.002367061811       8.002367061811       5.100522155128
    1     -73.285796421100     -81.288163482911       3.653346168960
    2     -74.828125379745      -1.542328958644       0.959140729724
    3     -74.935487998012      -0.107362618267       0.173663377814
    4     -74.941477742494      -0.005989744483       0.062052272719
    5     -74.941971996116      -0.000494253622       0.021598566359
    6     -74.942056061414      -0.000084065298       0.010509653663
    7     -74.942074419139      -0.000018357725       0.004877159285
    8     -74.942078647640      -0.000004228501       0.002354559061
    9     -74.942079630140      -0.000000982500       0.001129086359
   10     -74.942079858804      -0.000000228664       0.000544409983
   11     -74.942079912038      -0.000000053234       0.000262360618
   12     -74.942079924431      -0.000000012394       0.000126551333
   13     -74.942079927317      -0.000000002885       0.000061045094
   14     -74.942079927988      -0.000000000672       0.000029451693
   15     -74.942079928145      -0.000000000156       0.000014209673
   16     -74.942079928181      -0.000000000036       0.000006856052
   17     -74.942079928190      -0.000000000008       0.000003308028
   18     -74.942079928192      -0.000000000002       0.000001596130
   19     -74.942079928192      -0.000000000000       0.000000770138
   20     -74.942079928192      -0.000000000000       0.000000371595
   21     -74.942079928192      -0.000000000000       0.000000179297
   22     -74.942079928192       0.000000000000       0.000000086512
   23     -74.942079928192      -0.000000000000       0.000000041742
   24     -74.942079928192       0.000000000000       0.000000020141
   25     -74.942079928192      -0.000000000000       0.000000009718
 array([[ 2.1097473, -0.4655955, -0.       ,  0.1052458,  0.       , -0.0163012, -0.0163012],
        [-0.4655955,  2.0302217, -0.       , -0.5646001, -0.       , -0.0610789, -0.0610789],
        [-0.       , -0.       ,  0.7375898,  0.       , -0.       ,  0.5501973, -0.5501973],
        [ 0.1052458, -0.5646001,  0.       ,  1.1320837,  0.       ,  0.51723  ,  0.51723  ],
        [ 0.       , -0.       , -0.       ,  0.       ,  2.       ,  0.       , -0.       ],
        [-0.0163012, -0.0610789,  0.5501973,  0.51723  ,  0.       ,  0.6690534, -0.1517744],
        [-0.0163012, -0.0610789, -0.5501973,  0.51723  , -0.       , -0.1517744,  0.6690534]]))

Addition 1: Dipole Moment

As discussed in detail in Ch. 3 of the text by Szabo and Ostlund, the calculation of one-electron properties requires density matrix and the relevant property integrals. The electronic contribution to the electric-dipole moment may be computed using (Szabo and Ostlund, eq 3.190 - 3.192)

\[ \boldsymbol{\mu} = - \sum_{\mu \nu} P_{\mu \nu} (\mu | \boldsymbol{r} | \nu) + \sum_A Z_A \boldsymbol{R}_A \]


Reader should fill all NotImplementedError in the following code:

def integral_dipole(mole: Molecule) -> np.ndarray:
    # Output: Dipole related integral (mu|r|nu) in dimension (3, nao, nao)
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~5 lines of code")

Molecule.integral_dipole = integral_dipole
def get_dipole(mole: Molecule, dm: np.array) -> np.ndarray:
    # Input: SCF converged density matrix
    # Output: Molecule dipole in A.U.
    raise NotImplementedError("About 1~5 lines of code")

Molecule.get_dipole = get_dipole


array([[[ 0.       ,  0.       ,  0.0507919,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.0022297, -0.0022297],
        [ 0.       ,  0.       ,  0.6411728,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.2627425, -0.2627425],
        [ 0.0507919,  0.6411728,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.4376306,  0.4376306],
        [ 0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.1473994, -0.1473994],
        [ 0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ],
        [ 0.0022297,  0.2627425,  0.4376306,  0.1473994,  0.       ,  1.6380368, -0.       ],
        [-0.0022297, -0.2627425,  0.4376306, -0.1473994,  0.       ,  0.       , -1.6380368]],

       [[-0.1432258, -0.0339021,  0.       ,  0.0507919,  0.       , -0.0037587, -0.0037587],
        [-0.0339021, -0.1432258,  0.       ,  0.6411728,  0.       ,  0.1499719,  0.1499719],
        [ 0.       ,  0.       , -0.1432258,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.1089522, -0.1089522],
        [ 0.0507919,  0.6411728,  0.       , -0.1432258,  0.       ,  0.3340907,  0.3340907],
        [ 0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       , -0.1432258,  0.       ,  0.       ],
        [-0.0037587,  0.1499719,  0.1089522,  0.3340907,  0.       ,  1.1365488,  0.206579 ],
        [-0.0037587,  0.1499719, -0.1089522,  0.3340907,  0.       ,  0.206579 ,  1.1365488]],

       [[ 0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.0507919,  0.       ,  0.       ],
        [ 0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.6411728,  0.       ,  0.       ],
        [ 0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ],
        [ 0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ],
        [ 0.0507919,  0.6411728,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.248968 ,  0.248968 ],
        [ 0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.248968 ,  0.       ,  0.       ],
        [ 0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.248968 ,  0.       ,  0.       ]]])
array([0.       , 0.6035213, 0.       ])

Addition 2: Mulliken Population Analysis

A Mulliken population analysis (also described in Szabo and Ostlund, Ch. 3) requires the overlap integrals and the electron density, in addition to information about the number of basis functions centered on each atom. The charge on atom A may be computed as (Szabo and Ostlund, eq 3.196)

\[ q_A = Z_A - \sum_{\mu \in A} \sum_\nu P_{\mu \nu} S_{\nu \mu} \]

where the summation is limited to only those basis functions centered on atom \(A\).


This task is a little difficult, due to \(\mu \in A\) is hard to figure out by program. So this task is not required to be accomplished by one’s own. However, hard-coding is possible for a specified system, for example water/STO-3G.

Reader may try to fill NotImplementedError in the following code:

def population_analysis(mole: Molecule, dm: np.array) -> np.ndarray:
    # Input: SCF converged density matrix
    # Output: Mulliken population analysis, charges on every atom
    raise NotImplementedError("About 5~10 lines of code")

Molecule.population_analysis = population_analysis


array([-0.2531461,  0.126573 ,  0.126573 ])

Test Cases

Water/STO-3G (Directory)

sol_mole = SolMol()
sol_mole.path_dict = {
    "enuc": "input/h2o/STO-3G/enuc.dat",
    "s":    "input/h2o/STO-3G/s.dat",
    "t":    "input/h2o/STO-3G/t.dat",
    "v":    "input/h2o/STO-3G/v.dat",
    "eri":  "input/h2o/STO-3G/eri.dat",
    "mux":  "input/h2o/STO-3G/mux.dat",
    "muy":  "input/h2o/STO-3G/muy.dat",
    "muz":  "input/h2o/STO-3G/muz.dat",
=== SCF Process ===
Epoch         Total Energy     Energy Deviation    Density Deviation
    0       8.002367061811       8.002367061811       5.100522155128
    1     -73.285796421100     -81.288163482911       3.653346168960
    2     -74.828125379745      -1.542328958644       0.959140729724
    3     -74.935487998012      -0.107362618267       0.173663377814
    4     -74.941477742494      -0.005989744483       0.062052272719
    5     -74.941971996116      -0.000494253622       0.021598566359
    6     -74.942056061414      -0.000084065298       0.010509653663
    7     -74.942074419139      -0.000018357725       0.004877159285
    8     -74.942078647640      -0.000004228501       0.002354559061
    9     -74.942079630140      -0.000000982500       0.001129086359
   10     -74.942079858804      -0.000000228664       0.000544409983
   11     -74.942079912038      -0.000000053234       0.000262360618
   12     -74.942079924431      -0.000000012394       0.000126551333
   13     -74.942079927317      -0.000000002885       0.000061045094
   14     -74.942079927988      -0.000000000672       0.000029451693
   15     -74.942079928145      -0.000000000156       0.000014209673
   16     -74.942079928181      -0.000000000036       0.000006856052
   17     -74.942079928190      -0.000000000008       0.000003308028
   18     -74.942079928192      -0.000000000002       0.000001596130
   19     -74.942079928192      -0.000000000000       0.000000770138
   20     -74.942079928192      -0.000000000000       0.000000371595
   21     -74.942079928192      -0.000000000000       0.000000179297
   22     -74.942079928192       0.000000000000       0.000000086512
   23     -74.942079928192      -0.000000000000       0.000000041742
   24     -74.942079928192       0.000000000000       0.000000020141
   25     -74.942079928192      -0.000000000000       0.000000009718
=== Dipole (in A.U.) ===
[0.        0.6035213 0.       ]
=== Mulliken Population Analysis ===
[-0.2531461  0.126573   0.126573 ]

Water/DZ (Directory)

sol_mole = SolMol()
sol_mole.path_dict = {
    "enuc": "input/h2o/DZ/enuc.dat",
    "s":    "input/h2o/DZ/s.dat",
    "t":    "input/h2o/DZ/t.dat",
    "v":    "input/h2o/DZ/v.dat",
    "eri":  "input/h2o/DZ/eri.dat",
    "mux":  "input/h2o/DZ/mux.dat",
    "muy":  "input/h2o/DZ/muy.dat",
    "muz":  "input/h2o/DZ/muz.dat",
# sol_mole.print_solution_03()
{'H': [[0, [19.2406, 0.032828], [2.8992, 0.231208], [0.6534, 0.817238]],
  [0, [0.1776, 1.0]]],
 'O': [[0,
   [7816.54, 0.002031],
   [1175.82, 0.015436],
   [273.188, 0.073771],
   [81.1696, 0.247606],
   [27.1836, 0.611832],
   [3.4136, 0.241205]],
  [0, [9.5322, 1.0]],
  [0, [0.9398, 1.0]],
  [0, [0.2846, 1.0]],
   [35.1832, 0.01958],
   [7.904, 0.124189],
   [2.3051, 0.394727],
   [0.7171, 0.627375]],
  [1, [0.2137, 1.0]]]}

Water/DZP (Directory) For this molecule, read-input approach is prefered. For explanation, see comment in code.

sol_mole = SolMol()
# The following 3 lines of code is only used to reproduce the exact integral values
# That is using cartesian orbital (d shell), and one s orbital of H atom become more diffuse
# Guess the original Crawford project is psi3-era, since this basis is psi3-dzp.gbs in psi4
# The reader could just take these 3 lines without any consideration now
sol_mole.mol._basis["H"][2][1][0] = 0.75
sol_mole.mol.cart = True
sol_mole.path_dict = {
    "enuc": "input/h2o/DZP/enuc.dat",
    "s":    "input/h2o/DZP/s.dat",
    "t":    "input/h2o/DZP/t.dat",
    "v":    "input/h2o/DZP/v.dat",
    "eri":  "input/h2o/DZP/eri.dat",
    "mux":  "input/h2o/DZP/mux.dat",
    "muy":  "input/h2o/DZP/muy.dat",
    "muz":  "input/h2o/DZP/muz.dat",
=== SCF Process ===
Epoch         Total Energy     Energy Deviation    Density Deviation
    0       8.002367061811       8.002367061811       6.257265233492
    1     -69.170053861694     -77.172420923505      17.801143659997
    2     -71.415303617369      -2.245249755675      17.110557111597
    3     -73.721678035341      -2.306374417971       5.307965471502
    4     -74.381838191510      -0.660160156170       4.571348737722
    5     -75.161436131461      -0.779597939951       2.439102528531
    6     -75.510928746774      -0.349492615314       1.930041242703
    7     -75.762675155351      -0.251746408577       1.232205113151
    8     -75.879680085321      -0.117004929970       0.916128789513
    9     -75.946361719726      -0.066681634405       0.613780446754
   10     -75.977561890457      -0.031200170731       0.442401057269
   11     -75.993744120619      -0.016182230162       0.301602891297
   12     -76.001410814858      -0.007666694239       0.213952051504
   13     -76.005239911770      -0.003829096912       0.147280173556
   14     -76.007073420274      -0.001833508504       0.103604143871
   15     -76.007975034687      -0.000901614413       0.071717537053
   16     -76.008409647227      -0.000434612540       0.050226193234
   17     -76.008621929669      -0.000212282442       0.034875554059
   18     -76.008724632743      -0.000102703074       0.024367318109
   19     -76.008774643915      -0.000050011172       0.016948253356
   20     -76.008798885129      -0.000024241215       0.011826975181
   21     -76.008810672478      -0.000011787348       0.008233394702
   22     -76.008816391373      -0.000005718895       0.005741738436
   23     -76.008819170302      -0.000002778929       0.003999031169
   24     -76.008820519187      -0.000001348884       0.002787846838
   25     -76.008821174422      -0.000000655235       0.001942180465
   26     -76.008821492544      -0.000000318122       0.001353705229
   27     -76.008821647050      -0.000000154506       0.000943197655
   28     -76.008821722072      -0.000000075022       0.000657347543
   29     -76.008821758507      -0.000000036434       0.000458041038
   30     -76.008821776199      -0.000000017692       0.000319208407
   31     -76.008821784790      -0.000000008592       0.000222433401
   32     -76.008821788962      -0.000000004172       0.000155009394
   33     -76.008821790989      -0.000000002026       0.000108017071
   34     -76.008821791972      -0.000000000984       0.000075273839
   35     -76.008821792450      -0.000000000478       0.000052454539
   36     -76.008821792682      -0.000000000232       0.000036553701
   37     -76.008821792795      -0.000000000113       0.000025472575
   38     -76.008821792850      -0.000000000055       0.000017750857
   39     -76.008821792876      -0.000000000027       0.000012369785
   40     -76.008821792889      -0.000000000013       0.000008620007
   41     -76.008821792895      -0.000000000006       0.000006006911
   42     -76.008821792898      -0.000000000003       0.000004185970
   43     -76.008821792900      -0.000000000001       0.000002917024
   44     -76.008821792901      -0.000000000001       0.000002032754
   45     -76.008821792901      -0.000000000000       0.000001416540
   46     -76.008821792901      -0.000000000000       0.000000987128
   47     -76.008821792901       0.000000000000       0.000000687888
   48     -76.008821792901      -0.000000000000       0.000000479360
   49     -76.008821792901       0.000000000000       0.000000334046
   50     -76.008821792901      -0.000000000000       0.000000232783
   51     -76.008821792901      -0.000000000000       0.000000162217
   52     -76.008821792901       0.000000000000       0.000000113042
   53     -76.008821792901       0.000000000000       0.000000078774
   54     -76.008821792901      -0.000000000000       0.000000054894
   55     -76.008821792901       0.000000000000       0.000000038254
   56     -76.008821792901      -0.000000000000       0.000000026657
   57     -76.008821792901      -0.000000000000       0.000000018576
   58     -76.008821792901       0.000000000000       0.000000012945
   59     -76.008821792901      -0.000000000000       0.000000009021
=== Dipole (in A.U.) ===
[-0.         0.9026624 -0.       ]
=== Mulliken Population Analysis ===
[-0.6109947  0.3054973  0.3054973]

Methane/STO-3G (Directory)

sol_mole = SolMol()
sol_mole.path_dict = {
    "enuc": "input/ch4/STO-3G/enuc.dat",
    "s":    "input/ch4/STO-3G/s.dat",
    "t":    "input/ch4/STO-3G/t.dat",
    "v":    "input/ch4/STO-3G/v.dat",
    "eri":  "input/ch4/STO-3G/eri.dat",
    "mux":  "input/ch4/STO-3G/mux.dat",
    "muy":  "input/ch4/STO-3G/muy.dat",
    "muz":  "input/ch4/STO-3G/muz.dat",
=== SCF Process ===
Epoch         Total Energy     Energy Deviation    Density Deviation
    0      13.497304462033      13.497304462033       6.515740378275
    1     -36.083448573242     -49.580753035275       6.436541620173
    2     -39.564513419144      -3.481064845902       1.104568450885
    3     -39.721836323727      -0.157322904583       0.195127470881
    4     -39.726692997946      -0.004856674219       0.034000759430
    5     -39.726845353413      -0.000152355467       0.006127229495
    6     -39.726850157495      -0.000004804082       0.001066349141
    7     -39.726850311142      -0.000000153647       0.000197843234
    8     -39.726850316180      -0.000000005038       0.000034671446
    9     -39.726850316352      -0.000000000173       0.000006876790
   10     -39.726850316359      -0.000000000006       0.000001267090
   11     -39.726850316359      -0.000000000000       0.000000281235
   12     -39.726850316359       0.000000000000       0.000000057836
   13     -39.726850316359       0.000000000000       0.000000014097
   14     -39.726850316359      -0.000000000000       0.000000003204
=== Dipole (in A.U.) ===
[-0.  0.  0.]
=== Mulliken Population Analysis ===
[-0.2604309  0.0651077  0.0651077  0.0651077  0.0651077]


  • Szabo, A.; Ostlund, N. S. Modern Quantum Chemistry: Introduction to Advanced Electronic Structure Theory Dover Publication Inc., 1996.

    ISBN-13: 978-0486691862