05 The Closed-Shell CCSD energy

The coupled cluster model provides a higher level of accuracy beyond the MP2 approach. The purpose of this project is to understand the fundamental aspects of the calculation of the CCSD (coupled cluster singles and doubles) energy. Reference to this project is Hirata, …, Bartlett, JCP 2004 (though notations are different, and this project is not discussing extended systems), and PySCF code (rintermediates.py, rccsd.py) (dimension convention is similar to PySCF implementation).

This project will use spacial orbitals (like previous projects, SCF and MP2 energy calculation), instead of more computation-costly spin orbitals. However, the latter approach could be also applicable in situation of unrestricted or restricted open-shell. We will discuss spin orbital approach in latter projects.

This project could be a challenging one, and the coding is quite intensive in this project. Transforming tensor contraction formula to codes is the gist of this project. We will make extensive use of numpy.einsum here.

# Following os.chdir code is only for thebe (live code), since only in thebe default directory is /home/jovyan
import os
if os.getcwd().split("/")[-1] != "Project_05":
from solution_05 import Molecule as SolMol

from pyscf import gto
import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple
import pickle
np.set_printoptions(precision=7, linewidth=120, suppress=True)
# Solution mol only uses PySCF approach
sol_mole = SolMol()

Molecule Object Initialization

In this project, we may use the even updated Molecule initialization. Since these are technical details, we toggle the code and explanation below. However, take a look at those instructions could be essential. Most of the method functions are illustrated in Project 01, Project 03 and Project 04.

Note that since details of SCF iteration are no longer required, we can make some simplification to SCF code.

class Molecule:
    def __init__(self):
        # Project 03 existed
        self.atom_charges = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.atom_coords = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.natm = NotImplemented  # type: int
        self.mol = NotImplemented  # type: gto.Mole
        self.nao = NotImplemented  # type: int
        self.charge = 0  # type: int
        self.nocc = NotImplemented  # type: int
        # Project 04 added
        self.mo_coeff = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.mo_energy = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.eri_ao = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.eri_mo = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.energy_rhf = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.energy_corr = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        # Project 05 added
        self.w = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.w_ovoo = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.w_ovvo = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.w_ovov = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.w_ovvv = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.v_oooo = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.v_ovoo = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.v_ovvo = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.v_ovov = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.v_oovv = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.v_ovvv = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray
        self.v_vvvv = NotImplemented  # type: np.ndarray

    def construct_from_dat_file(self, file_path: str):
        # Same to Project 01
        with open(file_path, "r") as f:
            dat = np.array([line.split() for line in f.readlines()][1:])
            self.atom_charges = np.array(dat[:, 0], dtype=float).astype(int)
            self.atom_coords = np.array(dat[:, 1:4], dtype=float)
            self.natm = self.atom_charges.shape[0]

    def obtain_mol_instance(self, basis: str, verbose=0):
        # Same to Project 03
        mol = gto.Mole()
        mol.unit = "Bohr"
        mol.atom = "\n".join([("{:3d} " + " ".join(["{:25.18f}"] * 3)).format(chg, *coord) for chg, coord in zip(self.atom_charges, self.atom_coords)])
        mol.basis = basis
        mol.charge = self.charge
        mol.spin = 0
        mol.verbose = verbose
        self.mol = mol.build()

    def obtain_nao(self):
        self.nao = self.mol.nao_nr()

    def obtain_nocc(self):
        assert (self.atom_charges.sum() - self.charge) % 2 == 0
        self.nocc = (self.atom_charges.sum() - self.charge) // 2

    def obtain_eri_ao(self):
        self.eri_ao = self.mol.intor("int2e")

    def get_hcore(self) -> np.ndarray:
        return self.mol.intor("int1e_kin") + self.mol.intor("int1e_nuc")

    def get_fock(self, dm: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        return self.get_hcore() + (self.eri_ao * dm).sum(axis=(-1, -2)) - 0.5 * (self.eri_ao * dm[:, None, :]).sum(axis=(-1, -3))

    def make_rdm1(self, coeff: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        return 2 * coeff[:, :self.nocc] @ coeff[:, :self.nocc].T

    def eng_total(self, dm: np.ndarray) -> float:
        return (0.5 * (self.get_hcore() + self.get_fock(dm)) * dm).sum() + self.mol.energy_nuc()

    def scf_process(self, dm_guess: np.ndarray=None) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]:
        eng, dm = 0., np.zeros((self.nao, self.nao)) if dm_guess is None else np.copy(dm_guess)
        max_iter, thresh_eng, thresh_dm = 64, 1e-10, 1e-8
        for epoch in range(max_iter):
            eng_next, dm_next = self.eng_total(dm), self.make_rdm1(scipy.linalg.eigh(self.get_fock(dm), self.mol.intor("int1e_ovlp"))[1])
            if np.abs(eng_next - eng) < thresh_eng and np.linalg.norm(dm_next - dm) < thresh_dm:
                eng, dm = eng_next, dm_next
            eng, dm = eng_next, dm_next
        return eng, dm

    def obtain_scf_intermediates(self, dm_guess: np.ndarray=None):
        eng, dm = self.scf_process(dm_guess)
        self.energy_rhf = eng
        self.mo_energy, self.mo_coeff = scipy.linalg.eigh(self.get_fock(dm), self.mol.intor("int1e_ovlp"))

    def get_eri_mo_einsum(self):
        return np.einsum("uvkl, up, vq, kr, ls -> pqrs", self.eri_ao, self.mo_coeff, self.mo_coeff, self.mo_coeff, self.mo_coeff, optimize=True)

    def obtain_eri_mo(self):
        self.eri_mo = self.get_eri_mo_einsum()

Lots of attributes like w_ovov is introduced in this project. We will illustrate meaning of these attributes later.

Since this project is hard to achieve, and numerical problems could occur. Numerical problem means for molecular orbital energy degenerate or non-degenerate systems, \(\mathscr{C}_{\mu \mathscr{p}} = - C_{\mu p}\) is also valid molecular orbital coefficients, but that will cause \((\mathscr{p} q | rs) \neq (pq|rs)\). Although final results (SCF, MP2, CCSD) should left unchanged, calculation intermediates could be different and hard to reproduce.

Thus, in this project, we may use pre-computed water/STO-3G results to check whether calculation intermediates is correctly implemented.

  • mo_coeff: pre-computed \(C_{\mu p}\) molecular orbital coefficients

  • mo_energy: pre-computed \(\varepsilon_p\) molecular orbital energies

  • t1_precomput: pre-computed \(t_i^a\) CCSD single excitation amplitude

  • t2_precomput: pre-computed \(t_{ij}^{ab}\) CCSD double excitation amplitude

You may wish to run the following Molecule initialization code after running the code-cell below:

mole = Molecule()
mole.mo_coeff = mo_coeff
mole.mo_energy = mo_energy
with open("demo_data_h2o_sto3g.dat", "rb") as f:
    d = pickle.load(f)
mo_coeff = d["mo_coeff"]
mo_energy = d["mo_energy"]
t1_precomput, t2_precomput = d["t1"], d["t2"]

sol_mole.mo_coeff = mo_coeff
sol_mole.mo_energy = mo_energy

Step 1: ERI and Its Biorthogonal Form

In closed-shell CCSD prototype programming, electron repulsion integral (ERI) can be ambiguous. We usually use

\[ v^{pq}_{rs} = (pr|qs) \]

to denote electron repulsion integrals (ERI), as previous projects did before. Here we define biorthogonal electron repulsion integral (biorthogonal ERI) as (Hirata, eq 23)

\[ w^{pq}_{rs} = 2 v^{pq}_{rs} - v^{pq}_{sr} \]

Biorthogonal basis is a conception from closed-shell CCSD derivation, which makes formula expression as well as program implementation more concise. We do not discuss this concept in detail.


def obtain_w(mole: Molecule):
    # Attribute Modification: `w` biorthogonal electron repulsion integral
    raise NotImplementedError("Exactly 1 line of code")

Molecule.obtain_w = obtain_w


sol_mole.w[3, 5]
array([[ 0.5311873,  0.0277178,  0.       ,  0.0183313, -0.       , -0.0017709,  0.       ],
       [ 0.0253682,  0.218575 , -0.       ,  0.1602001,  0.       , -0.060252 , -0.       ],
       [ 0.       , -0.       ,  0.1339514,  0.       ,  0.       , -0.       ,  0.1456495],
       [ 0.0012042,  0.0477327, -0.       ,  0.1319441, -0.       ,  0.0955699,  0.       ],
       [-0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       , -0.       ,  0.2900729,  0.       , -0.       ],
       [-0.0215503, -0.0719668, -0.       , -0.352678 ,  0.       ,  0.0524259, -0.       ],
       [ 0.       , -0.       ,  0.1382612,  0.       , -0.       ,  0.       ,  0.1620096]])

Step 2: ERI Slices

We will use various kinds of ERIs slices when programming closed-shell CCSD. It could be convenient to pre-store those slices. To storing these slices one may use class attributes, class properties, dictionary, or generate slices on-the-fly by convenient function. In this project, we may use class attributes to pre-store slices, which is the most intutive one.


def obtain_wv_slices(mole: Molecule):
    # Attribute Modification: Various (biorthogonal) ERI slices
    nocc, nmo = mole.nocc, mole.nao
    so, sv = slice(0, nocc), slice(nocc, nmo)
    mole.w_ovoo = self.w[so, sv, so, so]
    mole.w_ovvo = ____  # Fill this line
    mole.w_ovov = ____  # Fill this line
    mole.w_ovvv = ____  # Fill this line
    mole.v_oooo = ____  # Fill this line
    mole.v_ovoo = ____  # Fill this line
    mole.v_ovvo = ____  # Fill this line
    mole.v_ovov = self.eri_mo[so, sv, so, sv]
    mole.v_oovv = ____  # Fill this line
    mole.v_ovvv = ____  # Fill this line
    mole.v_vvvv = ____  # Fill this line

Molecule.obtain_wv_slices = obtain_wv_slices


print(sol_mole.v_ovvo[3, 1])
(5, 2, 2, 5)
[[ 0.        -0.         0.0541371  0.        -0.       ]
 [-0.0112477  0.0171886  0.         0.0709527  0.       ]]

Step 3: \(\boldsymbol{\mathscr{F}}\) Matrices

Step 3 to Step 5 is to implement CCSD calculation intermediates. In this step, we will calculate \(\boldsymbol{\mathscr{F}}\) matrices (Hirata, eq 37-39, note that our reference state is canonical RHF, so off-diagonal occupied-virtual block Fock matrix \(F_{ia} = 0\)).

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} \mathscr{F}^k_i &= f^k_i + \sum_{lcd} w^{kl}_{cd} t_{il}^{cd} + \sum_{lcd} w^{kl}_{cd} t_i^c t_l^d \\ \mathscr{F}^a_c &= f^a_c - \sum_{kld} w^{kl}_{cd} t_{kl}^{ad} - \sum_{kld} w^{kl}_{cd} t_k^a t_l^d \\ \mathscr{F}^k_c &= \sum_{ld} w^{kl}_{cd} t_l^d \end{align} \end{split}\]

Where \(f^p_q\) is the same to molecular orbital basis Fock matrix \(f^p_q = F_{pq} = \delta_{pq} \varepsilon_p\). Dimension convention of \(\mathscr{F}^k_i\) is \((k, i)\). Same to \(\mathscr{F}^a_c\) and \(\mathscr{F}^k_c\).


def cc_Foo(mole: Molecule, t1: np.ndarray, t2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Ref: Hitara, eq 37, generate F^k_i
    # This is a reference implementation. There is no need to change this code.
    Fki = np.diag(self.mo_energy[:self.nocc])
    Fki += np.einsum("kcld, ilcd   -> ki", self.w_ovov, t2,     optimize=True)
    Fki += np.einsum("kcld, ic, ld -> ki", self.w_ovov, t1, t1, optimize=True)
    return Fki

Molecule.cc_Foo = cc_Foo
def cc_Fvv(mole: Molecule, t1: np.ndarray, t2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Ref: Hitara, eq 38
    raise NotImplementedError("No more than 4 lines of code")

Molecule.cc_Fvv = cc_Fvv
def cc_Fov(mole: Molecule, t1: np.ndarray, t2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Ref: Hitara, eq 39
    # Note that amplitude t2 is actually not taken into account,
    # but for signature consistency, we still include this useless amplitude
    raise NotImplementedError("Exactly 1 line of code")

Molecule.cc_Fov = cc_Fov


sol_mole.cc_Foo(t1_precomput, t2_precomput)
array([[-20.2629403,   0.0004753,  -0.       ,   0.0008499,   0.       ],
       [  0.0000935,  -1.2196514,  -0.       ,   0.014577 ,   0.       ],
       [ -0.       ,  -0.       ,  -0.5825172,   0.       ,   0.       ],
       [  0.0000376,   0.0098341,   0.       ,  -0.4614169,  -0.       ],
       [  0.       ,   0.       ,   0.       ,  -0.       ,  -0.3888219]])
sol_mole.cc_Fvv(t1_precomput, t2_precomput)
array([[ 0.5124191, -0.       ],
       [-0.       ,  0.624019 ]])
sol_mole.cc_Fov(t1_precomput, t2_precomput)
array([[ 0.0001061, -0.       ],
       [ 0.0012685,  0.       ],
       [ 0.       , -0.0032164],
       [-0.0022473, -0.       ],
       [-0.       ,  0.       ]])

Step 4: \(\boldsymbol{\mathscr{L}}\) Matrices

In this step, we will calculate \(\boldsymbol{\mathscr{L}}\) matrices (Hirata, eq 40-41).

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} \mathscr{L}^k_i &= \mathscr{F}^k_i + \sum_{lc} w^{lk}_{ci} t_l^c \\ \mathscr{L}^a_c &= \mathscr{F}^a_c + \sum_{kd} w^{ka}_{dc} t_k^d \end{align} \end{split}\]

Dimension convention of \(\mathscr{L}^k_i\) is \((k, i)\). Same to \(\mathscr{L}^a_c\).


def Loo(mole: Molecule, t1: np.ndarray, t2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Ref: Hitara, eq 40
    # This is a reference implementation. There is no need to change this code.
    L_ki = self.cc_Foo(t1, t2)
    L_ki += np.einsum("lcki, lc -> ki", self.w_ovoo, t1, optimize=True)
    return L_ki

Molecule.Loo = Loo
def Lvv(mole: Molecule, t1: np.ndarray, t2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Ref: Hitara, eq 41
    raise NotImplementedError("About 3 lines of code")

Molecule.Lvv = Lvv


sol_mole.Loo(t1_precomput, t2_precomput)
array([[-20.2746448,  -0.0001825,  -0.       ,   0.000496 ,   0.       ],
       [ -0.0005209,  -1.2246573,  -0.       ,   0.0106743,   0.       ],
       [ -0.       ,  -0.       ,  -0.5850956,   0.       ,   0.       ],
       [  0.0001375,   0.0087952,   0.       ,  -0.4644571,  -0.       ],
       [  0.       ,   0.       ,   0.       ,  -0.       ,  -0.3953228]])
sol_mole.Lvv(t1_precomput, t2_precomput)
array([[ 0.5111931, -0.       ],
       [-0.       ,  0.6206725]])

Step 5: \(\boldsymbol{\mathscr{W}}\) Tensors

In this step, we will calculate \(\boldsymbol{\mathscr{W}}\) Tensors (Hirata, eq 42-45).

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} \mathscr{W}^{kl}_{ij} &= v^{kl}_{ij} + \sum_c v^{lk}_{ci} t_j^c + \sum_c v^{kl}_{cj} t_i^c + \sum_{cd} v^{kl}_{cd} t_{ij}^{cd} + \sum_{cd} v^{kl}_{cd} t_i^c t_j^d \\ \mathscr{W}^{ab}_{cd} &= v^{ab}_{cd} - \sum_k v^{ka}_{dc} t_k^b - \sum_k v^{kb}_{cd} t_k^a\\ \mathscr{W}^{ak}_{ic} &= v^{ak}_{ic} - \sum_l v^{kl}_{ci} t_l^a + \sum_d v^{ka}_{cd} t_i^d - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ld} v^{lk}_{dc} t_{il}^{da} - \sum_{ld} v^{lk}_{dc} t_i^d t_l^a + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ld} w^{lk}_{dc} t_{il}^{ad} \\ \mathscr{W}^{ak}_{ci} &= v^{ak}_{ci} - \sum_l v^{lk}_{ci} t_l^a + \sum_d v^{ka}_{dc} t_i^d - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ld} v^{lk}_{cd} t_{il}^{da} - \sum_{ld} v^{lk}_{cd} t_i^d t_l^a \end{align} \end{split}\]

Dimension convention of \(\mathscr{W}^{kl}_{ij}\) is \((k, l, i, j)\). Same to \(\mathscr{W}^{ab}_{cd}\), \(\mathscr{W}^{ak}_{ic}\), \(\mathscr{W}^{ak}_{ci}\).


def cc_Woooo(mole: Molecule, t1: np.ndarray, t2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Ref: Hitara, eq 42
    raise NotImplementedError("About 6 lines of code")

Molecule.cc_Woooo = cc_Woooo
def cc_Wvvvv(self, t1: np.ndarray, t2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Ref: Hitara, eq 43
    raise NotImplementedError("About 4 lines of code")

Molecule.cc_Wvvvv = cc_Wvvvv
def cc_Wvoov(mole: Molecule, t1: np.ndarray, t2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Ref: Hitara, eq 44
    # This is a reference implementation. There is no need to change this code.
    W_akic = np.copy(mole.v_ovvo.transpose((2, 0, 3, 1)))
    W_akic -=       np.einsum("kcli, la     -> akic", mole.v_ovoo, t1,     optimize=True)
    W_akic +=       np.einsum("kcad, id     -> akic", mole.v_ovvv, t1,     optimize=True)
    W_akic -= 0.5 * np.einsum("ldkc, ilda   -> akic", mole.v_ovov, t2,     optimize=True)
    W_akic -=       np.einsum("ldkc, id, la -> akic", mole.v_ovov, t1, t1, optimize=True)
    W_akic += 0.5 * np.einsum("ldkc, ilad   -> akic", mole.w_ovov, t2,     optimize=True)
    return W_akic

Molecule.cc_Wvoov = cc_Wvoov
def cc_Wvovo(mole: Molecule, t1: np.ndarray, t2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Ref: Hitara, eq 45
    raise NotImplementedError("About 6 lines of code")

Molecule.cc_Wvovo = cc_Wvovo


sol_mole.cc_Woooo(t1_precomput, t2_precomput)[1, 3]
array([[ 0.0218411,  0.0081018, -0.       ,  0.0113409, -0.       ],
       [ 0.0126575,  0.023576 , -0.       ,  0.6571315, -0.       ],
       [-0.       ,  0.       , -0.0260943, -0.       ,  0.       ],
       [-0.0180776,  0.1264385, -0.       ,  0.0991944, -0.       ],
       [ 0.       , -0.       ,  0.       ,  0.       ,  0.045617 ]])
sol_mole.cc_Wvvvv(t1_precomput, t2_precomput)[0, 1]
array([[-0.       ,  0.55115  ],
       [ 0.1111799,  0.       ]])
sol_mole.cc_Wvoov(t1_precomput, t2_precomput)[0, 1]
array([[-0.0102725,  0.       ],
       [ 0.0947736,  0.       ],
       [ 0.       , -0.0307268],
       [-0.0575545, -0.       ],
       [-0.       ,  0.       ]])
sol_mole.cc_Wvovo(t1_precomput, t2_precomput)[0, 1]
array([[ 0.0074454,  0.5997484,  0.       , -0.0504503, -0.       ],
       [-0.       , -0.       , -0.0874274, -0.       ,  0.       ]])

Step 6: CCSD Single Excitation Amplitude \(t_i^a\)

In this step, we will calculate CCSD single excitation amplitude \(t_i^a\) (Hirata, eq 35).

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} t_i^a D_i^a &= \sum_c (\mathscr{F}^a_c - f^a_c) t_i^c - \sum_k (\mathscr{F}^k_i - f^k_i) t_k^a + \sum_{kc} \mathscr{F}^k_c (2 t_{ki}^{ca} - t_{ik}^{ca}) + \sum_{kc} \mathscr{F}^k_c t_i^c t_k^a \\ &\quad + \sum_{kc} w^{ak}_{ic} t_k^c + \sum_{kcd} w^{ak}_{cd} t_{ik}^{cd} + \sum_{kcd} w^{ak}_{cd} t_i^c t_k^d - \sum_{klc} w^{kl}_{ic} t_{kl}^{ac} - \sum_{klc} w^{kl}_{ic} t_k^a t_l^c \end{align} \end{split}\]

We use notation \(\delta^p_q\) as kronecker delta (\(\delta^p_q = \delta_{pq}\)), and \(f^p_q\) Fock matrix element \(f^p_q = F_{pq} = \delta_{pq} \varepsilon_p\). We define

\[ D_i^a = \varepsilon_i - \varepsilon_a \]


def update_t1(mole: Molecule, t1: np.ndarray, t2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Input: `t1`, `t2` CCSD amplitudes guess
    # Output: Updated `t1` CCSD single amplitude
    nocc = mole.nocc
    Foo, Fvv, Fov = mole.cc_Foo(t1, t2), mole.cc_Fvv(t1, t2), mole.cc_Fov(t1, t2)
    Foot = ____  #  Fill this line
    Fvvt = ____  #  Fill this line
    # Formula Line 1
    RHS  =     np.einsum("ac, ic     -> ia", Fvvt, t1   , optimize=True)
    RHS -=     ____  # Fill this line
    RHS += 2 * np.einsum("kc, kica   -> ia", Fov, t2    , optimize=True)
    RHS -=     ____  # Fill this line
    RHS +=     ____  # Fill this line
    # Formula Line 2
    RHS +=     np.einsum("kcai, kc     ->ia", mole.w_ovvo, t1,     optimize=True)
    RHS +=     ____  # Fill this line
    RHS +=     ____  # Fill this line
    RHS -=     ____  # Fill this line
    RHS -=     ____  # Fill this line

    D_ov = ____  # Fill this line
    return ____  # Fill this line

Molecule.update_t1 = update_t1


sol_mole.update_t1(t1_precomput, t2_precomput)
array([[-0.0000489, -0.       ],
       [-0.0032898, -0.       ],
       [ 0.       , -0.0025011],
       [-0.0217781, -0.       ],
       [-0.       ,  0.       ]])

As said before, t1_precomput and t2_precomput are converged CCSD amplitudes, so actually result of the code-cell above should be extremely close to t1_precomput. One can use numpy.allclose (NumPy API) to check whether two arrays are very close to each other.

np.allclose(sol_mole.update_t1(t1_precomput, t2_precomput), t1_precomput)

Step 7: CCSD Double Excitation Amplitude \(t_{ij}^{ab}\)

In this step, we will calculate CCSD double excitation amplitude \(t_{ij}^{ab}\) (Hirata, eq 36).

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} t_{ij}^{ab} D_{ij}^{ab} = \mathscr{P} (ia, jb) \bigg[ & \frac{1}{2} v^{ij}_{ab} + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{kl} \mathscr{W}^{kl}_{ij} t_{kl}^{ab} + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{kl} \mathscr{W}^{kl}_{ij} t_k^a t_l^b + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{cd} \mathscr{W}^{ab}_{cd} t_{ij}^{cd} + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{cd} \mathscr{W}^{ab}_{cd} t_i^c t_j^d \\ & + \sum_c (\mathscr{L}^a_c - f^a_c) t_{ij}^{cb} - \sum_k (\mathscr{L}^k_i - f^k_i) t_{kj}^{ab} \\ & + \sum_c v^{ab}_{ic} t_j^c - \sum_{kc} v^{kb}_{ic} t_k^a t_j^c - \sum_k v^{ak}_{ij} t_k^b - \sum_{kc} v^{ak}_{ic} t_j^c t_k^b \\ & + 2 \sum_{kc} \mathscr{W}^{ak}_{ic} t_{kj}^{cb} - \sum_{kc} \mathscr{W}^{ak}_{ci} t_{kj}^{cb} - \sum_{kc} \mathscr{W}^{ak}_{ic} t_{kj}^{bc} - \sum_{kc} \mathscr{W}^{bk}_{ci} t_{kj}^{ac} \bigg] \end{align} \end{split}\]


\[ D_{ij}^{ab} = \varepsilon_i + \varepsilon_j - \varepsilon_a - \varepsilon_b \]

and operator \(\mathscr{P} (ia, jb)\) is a permutation operator. When apply \(\mathscr{P} (ia, jb)\) to a function (or tensor) \(f(i, a, j, b)\), then

\[ \big( \mathscr{P} (ia, jb) \circ f \big) (i, a, j, b) = f(i, a, j, b) + f(j, b, i, a) \]


def update_t2(mole: Molecule, t1: np.ndarray, t2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # Input: `t1`, `t2` CCSD amplitudes guess
    # Output: Updated `t2` CCSD double amplitude
    nocc, e = mole.nocc, mole.mo_energy
    Loot = ____  #  Fill this line
    Lvvt = ____  #  Fill this line
    Woooo = mole.cc_Woooo(t1, t2)
    Wvoov = ____  #  Fill this line
    Wvovo = ____  #  Fill this line
    Wvvvv = ____  #  Fill this line
    # Formula Line 1
    RHS = ____  #  Fill this line
    RHS += 0.5 * np.einsum("klij, klab   -> ijab", Woooo, t2,     optimize=True)
    RHS += ____  #  Fill this line
    RHS += ____  #  Fill this line
    RHS += ____  #  Fill this line
    # Formula Line 2
    RHS += ____  #  Fill this line
    RHS -= ____  #  Fill this line
    # Formula Line 3
    RHS += np.einsum("iacb, jc     -> ijab", mole.v_ovvv, t1,     optimize=True)
    RHS -= ____  #  Fill this line
    RHS -= ____  #  Fill this line
    RHS -= ____  #  Fill this line
    # Formula Line 4
    RHS += 2 * np.einsum("akic, kjcb -> ijab", Wvoov, t2, optimize=True)
    RHS -= ____  #  Fill this line
    RHS -= ____  #  Fill this line
    RHS -= ____  #  Fill this line

    D_oovv = ____  #  Fill this line
    return ____  #  Fill this line


Again, t1_precomput and t2_precomput are converged CCSD amplitudes, so when feed those tensors to update_t2, it should return a tensor very close to t2_precomput.

np.allclose(sol_mole.update_t2(t1_precomput, t2_precomput), t2_precomput)

Step 8: CCSD Correlation Energy

Closed-shell CCSD correlation energy is (Hirata, eq 32)

\[ E_\mathrm{corr}^\mathsf{CCSD} = \sum_{ijab} w^{ij}_{ab} (t_{ij}^{ab} + t_i^a t_j^b) \]


def eng_ccsd_corr(mol: Molecule, t1: np.ndarray, t2: np.ndarray) -> float:
    # Input: `t1`, `t2` CCSD amplitudes
    # Output: (Closed-shell) CCSD correlation energy for given amplitudes (not converged value)
    raise NotImplementedError("About 3 lines of code")

Molecule.eng_ccsd_corr = eng_ccsd_corr


Since we use the converged t1_precomput and t2_precomput amplitudes, the result of solution should recast the final CCSD energy result of water/STO-3G.

sol_mole.eng_ccsd_corr(t1_precomput, t2_precomput)

Step 9: CCSD Amplitudes Initial Guess

A common initial guess of CCSD amplitudes could be

\[ t_i^a (\mathtt{Guess}) = 0, \quad t_{ij}^{ab} (\mathtt{Guess}) = \frac{v_{ij}^{ab}}{D_{ij}^{ab}} \]

Feed those amplitudes to CCSD correlation energy evaluation function eng_ccsd_corr should recast MP2 correlation energy of water/STO-3G.


def get_t1_t2_initial_guess(mole: Molecule) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    # Output: `t1`, `t2` Initial guess of CCSD amplitudes
    raise NotImplementedError("About 3~10 lines of code")

Molecule.get_t1_t2_initial_guess = get_t1_t2_initial_guess



Step 10: CCSD Loop and Convergence

Just like SCF Loop in Project 03, CCSD amplitudes are updated by similar loop.

Within this function, you may

  • Initialize \(t_i^a\) and \(t_{ij}^{ab}\) guesses;

  • Determine maximum iteration number and converge threshold;

  • While not exceeding the maximum iteration number,

    • Update \(t_i^a\) and \(t_{ij}^{ab}\);

    • Calculate current \(E_\mathrm{corr}^\mathsf{CCSD}\);

    • Print debug information;

    • Check whether energy converged;

  • Return converged \(E_\mathrm{corr}^\mathsf{CCSD}\), \(t_i^a\) and \(t_{ij}^{ab}\).


def ccsd_process(mole: Molecule) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    # Output: Converged CCSD correlation energy, and density matrix
    raise NotImplementedError("About 15 lines of code")

Molecule.ccsd_process = ccsd_process


Epoch     CCSD Corr Energy
    0      -0.062758205988
    1      -0.067396582633
    2      -0.069224536447
    3      -0.070007757593
    4      -0.070360041940
    5      -0.070523820256
    6      -0.070602032655
    7      -0.070640293065
    8      -0.070659428867
    9      -0.070669194464
   10      -0.070674268086
   11      -0.070676945033
   12      -0.070678375897
   13      -0.070679148925
   14      -0.070679570177
   15      -0.070679801317
   16      -0.070679928834
   17      -0.070679999483
   18      -0.070680038755
   19      -0.070680060641
   20      -0.070680072863
   21      -0.070680079698
   22      -0.070680083526
   23      -0.070680085671
   24      -0.070680086874
   25      -0.070680087549
   26      -0.070680087929
   27      -0.070680088141
   28      -0.070680088261
   29      -0.070680088328

Test Cases

The input structures, integrals, etc. for these examples are found in the input directory. You can also use PySCF approach and simply ignore the integral files.

Water/STO-3G (Directory)

sol_mole = SolMol()
=== CCSD Iterations ===
Epoch     CCSD Corr Energy
    0      -0.062758205988
    1      -0.067396582633
    2      -0.069224536447
    3      -0.070007757593
    4      -0.070360041940
    5      -0.070523820256
    6      -0.070602032655
    7      -0.070640293065
    8      -0.070659428867
    9      -0.070669194464
   10      -0.070674268086
   11      -0.070676945033
   12      -0.070678375897
   13      -0.070679148925
   14      -0.070679570177
   15      -0.070679801317
   16      -0.070679928834
   17      -0.070679999483
   18      -0.070680038755
   19      -0.070680060641
   20      -0.070680072863
   21      -0.070680079698
   22      -0.070680083526
   23      -0.070680085671
   24      -0.070680086874
   25      -0.070680087549
   26      -0.070680087929
   27      -0.070680088141
   28      -0.070680088261
   29      -0.070680088328
=== Final Results ===
 MP2 Correlation energy:      -0.049149636147
CCSD Correlation energy:      -0.070680088328
 SCF       Total energy:     -74.942079928192
 MP2       Total energy:     -74.991229564340
CCSD       Total energy:     -75.012760016521

Water/DZ (Directory)

sol_mole = SolMol()
=== CCSD Iterations ===
Epoch     CCSD Corr Energy
    0      -0.153219621576
    1      -0.157583607647
    2      -0.158780675284
    3      -0.159372391280
    4      -0.159624912085
    5      -0.159744546130
    6      -0.159800894374
    7      -0.159828278196
    8      -0.159841745959
    9      -0.159848484681
   10      -0.159851901946
   11      -0.159853658737
   12      -0.159854573259
   13      -0.159855055055
   14      -0.159855311727
   15      -0.159855449898
   16      -0.159855524996
   17      -0.159855566175
   18      -0.159855588937
   19      -0.159855601610
   20      -0.159855608712
   21      -0.159855612715
   22      -0.159855614984
   23      -0.159855616275
   24      -0.159855617013
   25      -0.159855617437
   26      -0.159855617681
   27      -0.159855617821
   28      -0.159855617903
=== Final Results ===
 MP2 Correlation energy:      -0.152709879014
CCSD Correlation energy:      -0.159855617903
 SCF       Total energy:     -75.977878975377
 MP2       Total energy:     -76.130588854391
CCSD       Total energy:     -76.137734593279

Water/DZP (Directory) For this molecule, some additional code is included. See Project 03 for details.

sol_mole = SolMol()
sol_mole.mol._basis["H"][2][1][0] = 0.75
sol_mole.mol.cart = True
=== CCSD Iterations ===
Epoch     CCSD Corr Energy
    0      -0.224897568632
    1      -0.229765989748
    2      -0.230690952120
    3      -0.231206877685
    4      -0.231397181235
    5      -0.231490655839
    6      -0.231532173882
    7      -0.231552454210
    8      -0.231562184919
    9      -0.231567038519
   10      -0.231569475283
   11      -0.231570725976
   12      -0.231571376382
   13      -0.231571720337
   14      -0.231571904782
   15      -0.231572005095
   16      -0.231572060344
   17      -0.231572091132
   18      -0.231572108469
   19      -0.231572118323
   20      -0.231572123969
   21      -0.231572127228
   22      -0.231572129120
   23      -0.231572130225
   24      -0.231572130872
   25      -0.231572131253
   26      -0.231572131478
   27      -0.231572131611
   28      -0.231572131690
=== Final Results ===
 MP2 Correlation energy:      -0.222519233751
CCSD Correlation energy:      -0.231572131690
 SCF       Total energy:     -76.008821792901
 MP2       Total energy:     -76.231341026652
CCSD       Total energy:     -76.240393924591

Methane/STO-3G (Directory)

sol_mole = SolMol()
=== CCSD Iterations ===
Epoch     CCSD Corr Energy
    0      -0.070745262119
    1      -0.075483795485
    2      -0.077200327129
    3      -0.077865986642
    4      -0.078135368845
    5      -0.078247913793
    6      -0.078296204232
    7      -0.078317410766
    8      -0.078326912287
    9      -0.078331242310
   10      -0.078333243407
   11      -0.078334178691
   12      -0.078334619738
   13      -0.078334829162
   14      -0.078334929133
   15      -0.078334977048
   16      -0.078335000083
   17      -0.078335011182
   18      -0.078335016539
   19      -0.078335019128
   20      -0.078335020380
   21      -0.078335020987
   22      -0.078335021280
   23      -0.078335021423
   24      -0.078335021492
=== Final Results ===
 MP2 Correlation energy:      -0.056046674662
CCSD Correlation energy:      -0.078335021492
 SCF       Total energy:     -39.726850316359
 MP2       Total energy:     -39.782896991021
CCSD       Total energy:     -39.805185337850


  • Hirata, S.; Podeszwa, R.; Tobita, M.; Bartlett, R. J. J. Chem. Phys. 2004, 120 (6), 2581

    Coupled-cluster singles and doubles for extended systems

    doi: 10.1063/1.1637577